Wednesday, May 20, 2009

So, another season of my shows is over...

More or less! There's still new episodes of Criminal Intent coming up on USA. And the Doctor Who specials and the shortened season of Torchwood coming to BBC America. Otherwise, my usual shows are done (not counting SVU, which I seriously have given up on).

Lost was amazing last week, and I can't wait for the final season starting in 2010. All the time travel stuff makes more sense...and the final reveal about John Locke was even more surprising than last season! Apparently, he's really dead after all. :( He's been duplicated by an imposter, who is out to get the mysterious Jacob, whom we finally meet. The Losties, most stuck in 1977, decide to set off the nuke (from the episode Jughead) to blow up the Swan station, and possibly resetting events so the plane crash will never happen in the first place! (everybody got all that?) Cliffhangers abound. What will fake-Locke do to the 2004 Losties? What will Jacob's death mean for the remaining "Others"? When Juliet set off the bomb (most likely vaporizing herself in the process :p ), did she change history? We have to wait until next January to find out!

24's finale surprisingly didn't suck. I even liked Kim here- she shows some guts and smarts and helps catch Tony and the big bad guys. There is a final confrontation between Jack and Tony...and they don't kill each other! Turns out Tony was screwing both good and evil sides- he only wanted to get to the big bad guys' leader to avenge the death of his wife Michelle (killed in Day Five). Selfish bastard! :p Well, Jack stopped that, and now the two are eternal enemies instead of the BFFs they were. :( The season ends with Jack in a coma, with Kim at his side...of course, she's going to donate her stem cells for his treatment. Jack has to be alive for Day Eight! Overall, Day Seven was very uneven...but was WAY better than Day Six.

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