Tuesday, May 5, 2009

24 and House, May 4.

House- Under My Skin

from t.v.com...While House tries to cope with his insomnia, he takes on the case of a ballerina whose skin begins to fall off after treatment following the collapse of her lungs during a performance.

Ew, that was gross. Poor ballerina. The new doclings have to deal with the POTW while House once again tries to detox from his Vicodin. He is still hallucinating Amber, and it's making him unable to work. Cuddy helps him with his withdrawal, and the two end up sleeping together...now who in all honesty didn't see that one coming? :p But now Amber seems to be gone for good...as long as House stays off his drugs. Hmmm...that will make for a very interesting season finale next week!

24- 4:00 a.m-5:00 a.m.

Jonas Hodges meets his end (KA-BOOM!), despite First Daughter's change of heart about having him assasinated. Oops. Jack and company try to track down Tony before he carries out The Group's plans (no idea what the group is really called). This episode is really just setting up the final confrontation between Jack and Tony, and if the previews are any indication, Tony will be the loser. Duh.

Tonight is the final episode of All the Small Things. I don't want it to end. Still no word on a second series. I'm going to miss having a weekly Bryan Dick fix. :(

Cute preview of tonight's episode that makes me really impatient:


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