Wednesday, June 18, 2008

If there's no Meet The Press in Heaven, I'm not Going!

Great cartoon today:

*is sad again* I wonder who will succeed him (no one can replace him)? Tom Brokaw would be good as a temporary replacement, but doesn't he want to enjoy his retirement? I remember John Chancellor retiring and then dropping dead shortly after. David Gregory might be good, but he's a little too left biased for some (not for me!)

Other NBC thoughts...Where in the world is Lester Holt (sorry, Matt)? I hope he's just on vacation. I'd hate to think he'd been fired or gone to another network! He's the hardest working guy there.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

On a lighter note...

A "favorite Muppet" poll I recently participated in had me running to You Tube for clips. I found a gold mine. I loved The Muppet Show as a kid!

Probably my favorite skit ever to come out of the show: Rowlf and Sam the Eagle sing "Tit-Willow".

I love You Tube...

More...Muppet Balls!


Lydia the Tattooed Lady:

I loved it when celebrities joined in on the fun- Judy Collins singing "Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly":

And Elton John:

I'll probably post more of these later!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Well, this sucks.

Tim Russert of Meet The Press died yesterday of a heart attack. He was only 58! MTP will never be the same. I was so looking forward to seeing him on election night this November.

Other T.V. stuff- still watching Doctor Who, but I missed a couple of episodes. Last night I saw "the Unicorn and the Wasp" (the Agatha Christie episode). It was fun.