Monday, July 7, 2008

Still watching T.V.!

Mostly on DVD now, though. I'm re-watching the BBC Scotland series Hamish Macbeth (based on the M.C. Beaton mystery novels) right now. I'm almost finished. I wish there had been more than three seasons and twenty episodes!

I keep missing Doctor Who. Stupid me. I'd better not miss the rest of the season- because the last episode has stuff that will be important for Torchwood later.

Speaking of Torchwood, the next season is only going to be five episodes long. Five. Episodes. Granted, they'll be longer than the normal episode, but five is all we get? It wasn't bad enough that they killed Tosh and Owen, they have to cut our episodes, too? *cries* And the short season length means that BBC America is less likely to air them. Damn it.

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