Majel Barrett-Roddenberry died today at age 76. I knew she had been ill recently, but had no idea she was dying. She was probably best known as classic Star Trek's Nurse Chapel, or as The Next Generation/Deep Space Nine's Lwaxana Troi, but as the widow of Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, she was a large part of keeping the franchise alive. She even helped bring some of her husband's other ideas to television. Ms. Barrett-Roddenberry was always a hit with fans. I'm still kicking myself for not going to a Trek convention she was a guest at several years ago.
I just put my Nurse Chapel and Mrs. Troi action figures (yes, I collect Trek toys) on my computer desk. *is sad* RIP, Majel. You will be missed by Trekkies everywhere. :(
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
House and SVU, December 2
House: Let Them Eat Cake
The team take on the case of a fitness guru on an all-natural diet who collapsed while filming a video. Meanwhile, Foreman conducts Huntington's Disease drug trials and Thirteen signs on as a subject, Cuddy is forced to move into House's office, and Kutner uses House's name to run an online medical-advice website.
This was a good episode. There were really four stories going on, but each one was solid.
The case-of-the-week was interesting, and I loved the solution. I knew the trainer would refuse the recommended treatment (reversal of gastric bypass, go on high carb diet). Being exposed as a fraud is better than death, but whatever! I wouldn't mind a cure that said I had to eat chocolate cake!
The Foreman/Thirteen story was sad. Thirteen is already showing signs of Huntingdon's, and she is faced with seeing other patients in worse shape than herself.
The Kutner/Taub and the website "patient" subplot was pure gold. House set them up with a fake death and scared the crap out of them when she came back to "life"! That was definitely one of the best scenes of the year!
Finally, the Cuddy/House love/hate continues. After her office was shot up in the last episode, she has to share with House. They annoy each other and flirt. She hides the balls he usually tosses around ("Has anyone seen my balls?" LOL!), he destroys the bathroom of her office. They almost kiss and he grabs her boob instead! ("Can you leave these?")
This was definitely one of the better episodes of the season.
Good quote: "I just had to tell him that I have his balls and he's not getting them back."- Cuddy. She's got them, all right. He just doesn't know it yet. :p
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit: PTSD
Another decent episode. What happened? :p
Description from NBC:
A rape case involving a young female Marine stirs up painful memories from Detective Olivia Benson's past.
Yeah, it's another ripped from the headlines story (pregnant Marine goes missing, turns up dead), but it's well done without any weird twists or bizarre suplots. The Marine who at first appears to be the rapist/killer turns out to be a big brother type who was genuinely concerned about the dead Marine. The actual rapist/killer is no surprise.
Olivia continues to deal with last season's assault. She nearly loses it when trying to arrest the suspect. I liked having her partnered with Fin for a change (no Stabler this episode). They work pretty well together, and I liked how he talked her down when she had her gun to the suspect's head. Cap. Cragen finally tells Olivia to take time off. It should have been done last season! :p
The team take on the case of a fitness guru on an all-natural diet who collapsed while filming a video. Meanwhile, Foreman conducts Huntington's Disease drug trials and Thirteen signs on as a subject, Cuddy is forced to move into House's office, and Kutner uses House's name to run an online medical-advice website.
This was a good episode. There were really four stories going on, but each one was solid.
The case-of-the-week was interesting, and I loved the solution. I knew the trainer would refuse the recommended treatment (reversal of gastric bypass, go on high carb diet). Being exposed as a fraud is better than death, but whatever! I wouldn't mind a cure that said I had to eat chocolate cake!
The Foreman/Thirteen story was sad. Thirteen is already showing signs of Huntingdon's, and she is faced with seeing other patients in worse shape than herself.
The Kutner/Taub and the website "patient" subplot was pure gold. House set them up with a fake death and scared the crap out of them when she came back to "life"! That was definitely one of the best scenes of the year!
Finally, the Cuddy/House love/hate continues. After her office was shot up in the last episode, she has to share with House. They annoy each other and flirt. She hides the balls he usually tosses around ("Has anyone seen my balls?" LOL!), he destroys the bathroom of her office. They almost kiss and he grabs her boob instead! ("Can you leave these?")
This was definitely one of the better episodes of the season.
Good quote: "I just had to tell him that I have his balls and he's not getting them back."- Cuddy. She's got them, all right. He just doesn't know it yet. :p
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit: PTSD
Another decent episode. What happened? :p
Description from NBC:
A rape case involving a young female Marine stirs up painful memories from Detective Olivia Benson's past.
Yeah, it's another ripped from the headlines story (pregnant Marine goes missing, turns up dead), but it's well done without any weird twists or bizarre suplots. The Marine who at first appears to be the rapist/killer turns out to be a big brother type who was genuinely concerned about the dead Marine. The actual rapist/killer is no surprise.
Olivia continues to deal with last season's assault. She nearly loses it when trying to arrest the suspect. I liked having her partnered with Fin for a change (no Stabler this episode). They work pretty well together, and I liked how he talked her down when she had her gun to the suspect's head. Cap. Cragen finally tells Olivia to take time off. It should have been done last season! :p
Monday, December 1, 2008
Oops! I'm behind in my reviews...
The last two episodes of House were okay, nothing to write home about.
Last week's Law and Order: SVU, "Persona" was good- and was a real "special victims" episode. It was almost like an old episode! Benson tries to help a battered wife, but also discovers a fugitive who had killed her own husband. Brenda Blethyn played the fugitive.
This was NBC's description:
Benson goes into hiding to find justice for an abused housewife, which in turn uncovers an unsolved 34-year-old murder case.
Not quite that simple!
The death of the abused wife (Clea Duvall, fantastic!) at the hands of her husband was really upsetting, one of the more grim scenes the show has done in years.
The whole thing with Judge Donnelly trying to settle a score (getting the fugitive to justice) was absolutely lame- I have a hard time believing she would be so vindictive after 34 years. It was completely over the top, and the main flaw with the episode.
That horrible pharmacist at the beginning who refused to give Mia the morning after pill ("Keep it in your pants!") made me sick. What a bitch. That almost could have made an episode on its own- pharmacist refuses prescription on moral grounds, turns up dead, but with some bizarre twist.
Last week's Law and Order: SVU, "Persona" was good- and was a real "special victims" episode. It was almost like an old episode! Benson tries to help a battered wife, but also discovers a fugitive who had killed her own husband. Brenda Blethyn played the fugitive.
This was NBC's description:
Benson goes into hiding to find justice for an abused housewife, which in turn uncovers an unsolved 34-year-old murder case.
Not quite that simple!
The death of the abused wife (Clea Duvall, fantastic!) at the hands of her husband was really upsetting, one of the more grim scenes the show has done in years.
The whole thing with Judge Donnelly trying to settle a score (getting the fugitive to justice) was absolutely lame- I have a hard time believing she would be so vindictive after 34 years. It was completely over the top, and the main flaw with the episode.
That horrible pharmacist at the beginning who refused to give Mia the morning after pill ("Keep it in your pants!") made me sick. What a bitch. That almost could have made an episode on its own- pharmacist refuses prescription on moral grounds, turns up dead, but with some bizarre twist.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Twenty-five years ago today...
The Day After aired on ABC. I was twelve at the time, and alone in the house. Mom told me not to watch it, but I did anyway. I was scared half to death! It was all anyone could talk about at school for the next week or so.
Twenty-five years later, the Soviet Union is gone, and many of our missles have been dismantled. But there is still a big chance that nuclear weapons could still be used in warfare or terrorism. The movie may be hokey by today's standards, but the threat is very real.
Twenty-five years later, the Soviet Union is gone, and many of our missles have been dismantled. But there is still a big chance that nuclear weapons could still be used in warfare or terrorism. The movie may be hokey by today's standards, but the threat is very real.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Christmas is coming soon...
The commercials are starting to air. My favorite is the Hershey's Kisses "Handbell" ad:
It's been around since 1990! That's got to be a record run for a Christmas commercial.
My new favorite is for The Gap: "We Three Kingz"
As a handbell ringer, I find both ads hilarious.
Other T.V.- I did watch House last week- "The Itch". I wasn't paying enough attention to it for some reason, but it did have some cute Cuddy/Wilson/House bits. When it repeats, I'll give it my full attention!
It's been around since 1990! That's got to be a record run for a Christmas commercial.
My new favorite is for The Gap: "We Three Kingz"
As a handbell ringer, I find both ads hilarious.
Other T.V.- I did watch House last week- "The Itch". I wasn't paying enough attention to it for some reason, but it did have some cute Cuddy/Wilson/House bits. When it repeats, I'll give it my full attention!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
A funny blast from the past!
Found this Steve Martin clip- "King Tut". I remember it from Saturday Night Live, but this clip is from one of his concerts.
"Buried with his donkey, he's my favorite honkey!"
"Buried with his donkey, he's my favorite honkey!"
Friday, October 31, 2008
Finished Sold...
It wasn't bad. Some of the storylines were a little hard to believe- like Danny selling his childhood home (what a coincidence!), or the big boss turning out to be his real father (ick). But it was cute, sometimes sad, and in some places hilarious. I never knew real estate agents could be so evil!
Bryan Dick was cute as Danny. It was really good to see him play a nice guy, even though Danny seems to be just as capable as backstabbing as the rest of them. Too bad there won't be another series, because that would be interesting to see play out. He is the only character who has a real back story. It's easy to see why he tries to be so honest with his buyers- he doesn't want to see anyone end up like his family- stepdad killing himself because of bankruptcy and his mother putting him in care.
The other characters aren't as well developed. Kris Marshall's Matt is just a slimy asshole who wants to get the best deals for himself, and doesn't care who gets screwed over in the process (including Danny's mother!). He's the one who gets screwed over in the end. Christina Cole's Mel is, on the surface at least, a bitch from hell with similar ambitions to Matt's, though she seemed to have a softer side (especially towards Danny).
The less said about the big boss, Mr. Columbrine, the better. He is truly nasty!
Six episodes is just not enough to tell a story. It would have been nice to have a couple more just to tie things up. The potential Danny/Mel romance would have been cute. It did seem odd to end the show with Danny calmly telling Columbrine he's his son...with no fireworks except for Matt's "You lucky, lucky bastard!" comment. One or two more episodes would have been enough to give the story a more satisfying ending.
Overall it wasn't a great show. It was an intersting idea that didn't altogether succeed or fail. It had a good, solid cast, but the writing needed to be a little bit sharper. I'm still glad I got to see it.

Episode synopsis and recaps:
Bryan Dick was cute as Danny. It was really good to see him play a nice guy, even though Danny seems to be just as capable as backstabbing as the rest of them. Too bad there won't be another series, because that would be interesting to see play out. He is the only character who has a real back story. It's easy to see why he tries to be so honest with his buyers- he doesn't want to see anyone end up like his family- stepdad killing himself because of bankruptcy and his mother putting him in care.
The other characters aren't as well developed. Kris Marshall's Matt is just a slimy asshole who wants to get the best deals for himself, and doesn't care who gets screwed over in the process (including Danny's mother!). He's the one who gets screwed over in the end. Christina Cole's Mel is, on the surface at least, a bitch from hell with similar ambitions to Matt's, though she seemed to have a softer side (especially towards Danny).
The less said about the big boss, Mr. Columbrine, the better. He is truly nasty!
Six episodes is just not enough to tell a story. It would have been nice to have a couple more just to tie things up. The potential Danny/Mel romance would have been cute. It did seem odd to end the show with Danny calmly telling Columbrine he's his son...with no fireworks except for Matt's "You lucky, lucky bastard!" comment. One or two more episodes would have been enough to give the story a more satisfying ending.
Overall it wasn't a great show. It was an intersting idea that didn't altogether succeed or fail. It had a good, solid cast, but the writing needed to be a little bit sharper. I'm still glad I got to see it.
Episode synopsis and recaps:
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
House: Joy
An ailing man suffers from blackouts and sleepwalks, leading the team to wonder if his sleepwalking is a symptom, or how the man is becoming exposed to something else. When the man's daughter grows ill as well, the team must provide a diagnosis before both die. Meanwhile, Cuddy adopts a newborn but when the birth mother displays a rash, she has to make a decision between putting the mother or daughter at risk.
Aw, that was sad. I knew the birth mother would decide to keep her baby. Poor Cuddy. I loved the ending- an argument with House ends up in a rather passionate kiss. House/Cuddy 'shippers rejoice! I will not be surprised if there ends up being a House Junior (or Juniorette) next season- now that Cuddy has seemingly given up the idea of motherhood, she'll end up getting pregnant. It happens!
The case was very interesting. I've never heard of Familial Mediterranean Fever- it sounds bizarre. It was also strange how father and daughter seemed to recover so quickly.
An ailing man suffers from blackouts and sleepwalks, leading the team to wonder if his sleepwalking is a symptom, or how the man is becoming exposed to something else. When the man's daughter grows ill as well, the team must provide a diagnosis before both die. Meanwhile, Cuddy adopts a newborn but when the birth mother displays a rash, she has to make a decision between putting the mother or daughter at risk.
Aw, that was sad. I knew the birth mother would decide to keep her baby. Poor Cuddy. I loved the ending- an argument with House ends up in a rather passionate kiss. House/Cuddy 'shippers rejoice! I will not be surprised if there ends up being a House Junior (or Juniorette) next season- now that Cuddy has seemingly given up the idea of motherhood, she'll end up getting pregnant. It happens!
The case was very interesting. I've never heard of Familial Mediterranean Fever- it sounds bizarre. It was also strange how father and daughter seemed to recover so quickly.
Monday, October 27, 2008
An old review...
I found my brief review of Twenty Thousand Streets Under the Sky. It was in a locked live journal entry, so I'll just re-post it here:
February 12, 2006
An addition to my review- Sally Hawkins (as Ella) is pretty damned awesome, too. I'm still kicking myself for missing Persuasion on PBS last year.
Someone put the film up at youtube in several parts- it hasn't been taken down yet. :p
It's very good, but the book is even better. I think it's available in the U.S. again (it's been out of print for decades)- the author is Patrick Hamilton. entry:
February 12, 2006
Boy, did I love Twenty Thousand Streets Under the Sky. It was sooooo good.
All three parts of the story were wonderful. The acting was so good. It just seems to me that young British actors are better than young American actors. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Bryan Dick. He really deserves a huge career. The fact that he's pretty damn good-looking should help a bit!
The story was so sad. Depressing, really. All that unrequited love, disappointments in life...and yet there's still some hope for the characters (well, except maybe for Jenny, the prostitute Bob loves). I just loved the atmosphere. Beautifully done all around.An addition to my review- Sally Hawkins (as Ella) is pretty damned awesome, too. I'm still kicking myself for missing Persuasion on PBS last year.
Someone put the film up at youtube in several parts- it hasn't been taken down yet. :p
It's very good, but the book is even better. I think it's available in the U.S. again (it's been out of print for decades)- the author is Patrick Hamilton. entry:
Friday, October 24, 2008
House: Lucky Thirteen
"Thirteen brings her one-night stand to the hospital after the woman has a seizure. However, the woman admits she slept with Thirteen just so she could get to House and have him diagnose her condition. Meanwhile, House continues to pay Lucas to spy on Wilson."
Yeah, that's about it. Girl on girl action for the guys. The case didn't hold my attention very well, but it's good character stuff for Thirteen (yeah, I know, her name is Dr. Hadley!). She's not dealing with her Huntingdon's diagnosis very well.
Good stuff for House/Wilson and the spy. House and Wilson have resumed their banter rather quickly.
The last bit of the episode was a surprise- Cuddy is adopting a baby! I know she's wanted one because it was set up in previous seasons, but it seems sudden. The preview for next week looks good, and I hope it's not going to be a tragic ending for Cuddy's dream of being a mom.
"Thirteen brings her one-night stand to the hospital after the woman has a seizure. However, the woman admits she slept with Thirteen just so she could get to House and have him diagnose her condition. Meanwhile, House continues to pay Lucas to spy on Wilson."
Yeah, that's about it. Girl on girl action for the guys. The case didn't hold my attention very well, but it's good character stuff for Thirteen (yeah, I know, her name is Dr. Hadley!). She's not dealing with her Huntingdon's diagnosis very well.
Good stuff for House/Wilson and the spy. House and Wilson have resumed their banter rather quickly.
The last bit of the episode was a surprise- Cuddy is adopting a baby! I know she's wanted one because it was set up in previous seasons, but it seems sudden. The preview for next week looks good, and I hope it's not going to be a tragic ending for Cuddy's dream of being a mom.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
A little bird told me...
...where I could find Sold online. So I now I have it for a while...
I've only watched two of the six episodes so far. It's not bad. I never thought a show about real estate agents would be interesting, but it's fun. Kris Marshall, as the estate agency's manager, is perfectly slimy and evil. Bryan Dick is his usual adorable self as Danny, the only agent who seems to have a heart or any morals. Finally, he gets to play a good guy...
I'll watch the rest of the episodes later.
I've only watched two of the six episodes so far. It's not bad. I never thought a show about real estate agents would be interesting, but it's fun. Kris Marshall, as the estate agency's manager, is perfectly slimy and evil. Bryan Dick is his usual adorable self as Danny, the only agent who seems to have a heart or any morals. Finally, he gets to play a good guy...
I'll watch the rest of the episodes later.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A scary British short film...
Shockers: Parents' Night. It aired on Channel 4 in 2001. A friend of mine at live journal sent me a link (gone now), so I watched it. It's a very sad, well acted short about a bullied teen who documents his torture at the hands of his classmates, and his suicide, on his video camera. His mother sees the tape, and takes the gun to the school's parents' night.
It's horribly depressing. The end is a bit over the top (I assume it's supposed to be like a horror film!), but the viewer is drawn into the mother's grief and rage.
Shockers was a series of small films, but I've never heard of any of the others.
I was interested in the film because of one of the young stars, Bryan Dick. This is an early appearance of his, and he is chilling as the lead bully. I'd love to see more of his early stuff.
It's horribly depressing. The end is a bit over the top (I assume it's supposed to be like a horror film!), but the viewer is drawn into the mother's grief and rage.
Shockers was a series of small films, but I've never heard of any of the others.
I was interested in the film because of one of the young stars, Bryan Dick. This is an early appearance of his, and he is chilling as the lead bully. I'd love to see more of his early stuff.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
House and SVU, Oct. 14
House: Birthmarks- (from "While en route to his father's funeral, House must help the team with a differential diagnosis on a young Chinese girl who has collapsed under mysterious circumstances."
House and Wilson+road trip= classic episode. This made up for last week! The case-of-the-week was interesting, but took a back seat to the return of the House/Wilson friendship. I loved learning about how they met...and that the renewal of their friendship almost mirrored the beginning! Note to self- don't piss off Wilson in a room with large liquor bottles and antique mirrors or windows. :p Finally, Wilson returns to the hospital in his old position.
Best part of the episode: Cuddy pulling a House-like tactic by drugging him to get him in the car to go to the funeral!
Quite sad, of course, too. We already knew House had a poor relationship with his dad. Finding out that his dad wasn't his real dad was no surprise, though. "Mom hated him too!"
The case was a bit icky. How could that woman go through life not knowing she had several nails stuck in her head? Yikes...
SVU- Swing
From Yahoo!T.V.: "When Stabler gets a call to help catch a trespasser, he s shocked when the clues lead him to a suspect in his own family: his daughter Kathleen (Allison Siko). Things get so bad that he seeks help from his estranged mother (Ellen Burstyn)."
This one gets a big old roll eyes from me.

So Kathleen Stabler, brat extraordinaire, has bi-polar disorder. Give me a break. Couldn't the writers be more original, and say she's just an ordinary junkie, thief, liar, and slut? Oh, no, then they would miss an opportunity to delve into Stabler's childhood and his mommy issues. Never mind that the kid has always been trouble, and almost always gets away with things.
I hated this episode. Not even the great Ellen Burstyn (as Grandma Stabler) could save it.
Get rid of that awful ADA. She is a nasty character and the actress SUCKS.
I'm about ready to abandon the show forever. Next week looks even worse...
House and Wilson+road trip= classic episode. This made up for last week! The case-of-the-week was interesting, but took a back seat to the return of the House/Wilson friendship. I loved learning about how they met...and that the renewal of their friendship almost mirrored the beginning! Note to self- don't piss off Wilson in a room with large liquor bottles and antique mirrors or windows. :p Finally, Wilson returns to the hospital in his old position.
Best part of the episode: Cuddy pulling a House-like tactic by drugging him to get him in the car to go to the funeral!
Quite sad, of course, too. We already knew House had a poor relationship with his dad. Finding out that his dad wasn't his real dad was no surprise, though. "Mom hated him too!"
The case was a bit icky. How could that woman go through life not knowing she had several nails stuck in her head? Yikes...
SVU- Swing
From Yahoo!T.V.: "When Stabler gets a call to help catch a trespasser, he s shocked when the clues lead him to a suspect in his own family: his daughter Kathleen (Allison Siko). Things get so bad that he seeks help from his estranged mother (Ellen Burstyn)."
This one gets a big old roll eyes from me.
So Kathleen Stabler, brat extraordinaire, has bi-polar disorder. Give me a break. Couldn't the writers be more original, and say she's just an ordinary junkie, thief, liar, and slut? Oh, no, then they would miss an opportunity to delve into Stabler's childhood and his mommy issues. Never mind that the kid has always been trouble, and almost always gets away with things.
I hated this episode. Not even the great Ellen Burstyn (as Grandma Stabler) could save it.
Get rid of that awful ADA. She is a nasty character and the actress SUCKS.
I'm about ready to abandon the show forever. Next week looks even worse...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Long live Torchwood!
I just picked up the Series Two DVD. It's so nice to have the complete episodes as opposed to the cut versions seen on BBC America. The set has deleted scenes, outtakes (which are a hoot, especially the ones from Adam and Reset), one special feature about the lives and deaths of Captain Jack...but there is a disturbing lack of commentaries. The commentaries on Series One were very interesting. I'm disappointed that there aren't any for Series Two- I would have loved to hear what the cast and crew thought of some of the episodes- especially Exit Wounds. Oh, well.
House and SVU have new episodes tonight. I hope they don't disappoint!
House and SVU have new episodes tonight. I hope they don't disappoint!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
House: Adverse Events
Finally watched it. Shouldn't have bothered. First miss of the season, in my opinion. The case was a bit boring, and I really don't care about the lives of the doclings much. Taub is having trouble in his marriage? Who cares- I want the House/Wilson banter back. I miss Wilson. The bright spot of the episode- the P.I. interacting with Cuddy. Now they would make an interesting pair...
Thursday, October 2, 2008
D'oh- missed my shows again.
Well, I remembered to tape House, but haven't had time to watch it yet. I completely forgot to watch SVU, but that's no big deal because it repeats on Saturday night.
There was nothing for me to watch Monday night, so I popped in a BBC drama DVD- Twenty Thousand Streets Under the Sky. It's from 2005, and aired on BBC America back in 2006. The DVD was only available in Region 2, but I have a multi-region player. I'm glad I have the DVD, because a lot of it was cut out...I reviewed it on my live journal when it first aired. I'll post the review later if I can find it! It might have been one of the things I deleted by mistake last year. Oops.
I also have the recent adaptation of Northhanger Abbey to watch. I'll have to watch it soon, because it's from the library and there's a waiting list. I'm still waiting for Persuasion.
There was nothing for me to watch Monday night, so I popped in a BBC drama DVD- Twenty Thousand Streets Under the Sky. It's from 2005, and aired on BBC America back in 2006. The DVD was only available in Region 2, but I have a multi-region player. I'm glad I have the DVD, because a lot of it was cut out...I reviewed it on my live journal when it first aired. I'll post the review later if I can find it! It might have been one of the things I deleted by mistake last year. Oops.
I also have the recent adaptation of Northhanger Abbey to watch. I'll have to watch it soon, because it's from the library and there's a waiting list. I'm still waiting for Persuasion.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Another find thanks to Google Video...
Special Bulletin. I hadn't seen it since its first aired 25 years ago! It's a little dated, but still scary. With terrorism a problem now more than ever, the story is still relevant. The possibility of nuclear terrorism is just as real. And terrorism in a port town like Charleston, South Carolina, is something to worry about.
Like Countdown to Looking Glass, the fake news casts are effective. The acting is a little weak in spots, but in a way it adds to the "reality" of the plot. It's scary to watch the events unfold: The beginning of the threat, the reality of it, the evacuation of Charleston, and the bomb itself.
Like Countdown to Looking Glass, the fake news casts are effective. The acting is a little weak in spots, but in a way it adds to the "reality" of the plot. It's scary to watch the events unfold: The beginning of the threat, the reality of it, the evacuation of Charleston, and the bomb itself.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
House and SVU, September 23
House- "Not Cancer"
Recipients of donated organs start dying, and House and his team race to save the only survivor. House "auditions" potential new best friends...and has a private investigator check up on Dr. Wilson.
Good episode! The case was interesting again, and the patient was another one of the "House sees something of himself in" types. I liked the somewhat goofy investigator, who seems to be a new version of Wilson. House seemed genuinely distressed at the idea that Wilson is talking to everyone from the hospital except him.
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit- "Trials"
So-so beginning to the new season. Decent enough story-starts out about a foster child who may have been abused...only to turn into a re-opening of several cold rape cases. The twist that the foster father was the rapist and was married to one of his victims was pretty obvious right away. Luke Perry's performance sort of gave it away. He was so creepy!
Several different subplots going on, too. Stabler worries about his stolen credit card (which turns out to have been used by his lying brat of a daughter and her boyfriend); Fin still has problems working with Stabler; new A.D.A. arrives to replace Novak; and Benson begins to deal with her near-rape last season.
The good- Munch was around for a change...and he even mentioned his life in Baltimore. I think a good drinking game for SVU is to take a drink any time there is a Munch on Homicide mention- a big drink if he mentions an ex-wife or former partner by name! Nice that they didn't drop Benson's attack, and that she's actually dealing with it instead of ignoring it.
The bad- the new A.D.A. is annoying, and the actress is wooden. She won't last. Stabler's family problems are getting old. His daughter has become so bitchy and hateful- I'm surprised Stabler hasn't smacked her into next year!
Still not sure I'm going to stick with the show. The new A.D.A. may make it impossible.
Recipients of donated organs start dying, and House and his team race to save the only survivor. House "auditions" potential new best friends...and has a private investigator check up on Dr. Wilson.
Good episode! The case was interesting again, and the patient was another one of the "House sees something of himself in" types. I liked the somewhat goofy investigator, who seems to be a new version of Wilson. House seemed genuinely distressed at the idea that Wilson is talking to everyone from the hospital except him.
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit- "Trials"
So-so beginning to the new season. Decent enough story-starts out about a foster child who may have been abused...only to turn into a re-opening of several cold rape cases. The twist that the foster father was the rapist and was married to one of his victims was pretty obvious right away. Luke Perry's performance sort of gave it away. He was so creepy!
Several different subplots going on, too. Stabler worries about his stolen credit card (which turns out to have been used by his lying brat of a daughter and her boyfriend); Fin still has problems working with Stabler; new A.D.A. arrives to replace Novak; and Benson begins to deal with her near-rape last season.
The good- Munch was around for a change...and he even mentioned his life in Baltimore. I think a good drinking game for SVU is to take a drink any time there is a Munch on Homicide mention- a big drink if he mentions an ex-wife or former partner by name! Nice that they didn't drop Benson's attack, and that she's actually dealing with it instead of ignoring it.
The bad- the new A.D.A. is annoying, and the actress is wooden. She won't last. Stabler's family problems are getting old. His daughter has become so bitchy and hateful- I'm surprised Stabler hasn't smacked her into next year!
Still not sure I'm going to stick with the show. The new A.D.A. may make it impossible.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
House: Dying Changes Everything 9/16/08
It's two months after the death of Amber, and Wilson is leaving the hospital. House tries to get him to change his mind.
Very sad episode. Wilson is still grieving, and House does seem to feel guilty. The kicker of the episode is that Wilson is not leaving because of Amber, it's to get away from House- saying that they aren't friends anymore, and maybe never were. OUCH. That was one hell of a way to start the season.
Nice character bits all around- especially with Cuddy forcing Wilson and House to sit and talk. The case of the episode was interesting, too, as the new "Doclings" try to wing it without House.
Very sad episode. Wilson is still grieving, and House does seem to feel guilty. The kicker of the episode is that Wilson is not leaving because of Amber, it's to get away from House- saying that they aren't friends anymore, and maybe never were. OUCH. That was one hell of a way to start the season.
Nice character bits all around- especially with Cuddy forcing Wilson and House to sit and talk. The case of the episode was interesting, too, as the new "Doclings" try to wing it without House.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Fall T.V. on its way...
House has its season premiere on September 16. I can't wait!
ER returns September 25 for its final season. Do I even care anymore? Nope.
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit is back September 23. After the lame season finale, I'm not so sure I want to continue watching. We'll see.
Lost, Law and Order, and 24 return in January/February 2009. And it will be a long wait for the short season of Torchwood on BBC America...and an even longer one for Doctor Who. No idea what's happening with Law and Order: Criminal Intent. I'm looking forward to having Jeff Goldblum on the show.
Looks like I'll only be watching House this fall. That's okay, though, I need to read instead!
ER returns September 25 for its final season. Do I even care anymore? Nope.
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit is back September 23. After the lame season finale, I'm not so sure I want to continue watching. We'll see.
Lost, Law and Order, and 24 return in January/February 2009. And it will be a long wait for the short season of Torchwood on BBC America...and an even longer one for Doctor Who. No idea what's happening with Law and Order: Criminal Intent. I'm looking forward to having Jeff Goldblum on the show.
Looks like I'll only be watching House this fall. That's okay, though, I need to read instead!
Friday, August 29, 2008
More old stuff...
Things that gave me nightmares as a kid- the old EBS tests.
Both from New York stations...where I grew up. Like I could really do anything to save myself if the nukes were about to start flying! :p
More New York T.V. stuff...
Do you know where your kids are?
Eleven Alive!
This is a little bit stupid...but here's something else that scared me quite a bit as a kid- the PBS ident.
When I was about five, I was convinced that the P head was going to jump off the T.V. screen and eat me! *lol*
But for some reason, this one didn't scare me- WGBH Boston.
Maybe it was because when I saw and heard it, it meant that Zoom! was about to come on.
Both from New York stations...where I grew up. Like I could really do anything to save myself if the nukes were about to start flying! :p
More New York T.V. stuff...
Do you know where your kids are?
Eleven Alive!
This is a little bit stupid...but here's something else that scared me quite a bit as a kid- the PBS ident.
When I was about five, I was convinced that the P head was going to jump off the T.V. screen and eat me! *lol*
But for some reason, this one didn't scare me- WGBH Boston.
Maybe it was because when I saw and heard it, it meant that Zoom! was about to come on.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Two Criminal Intents for the price of one. :p
I did finally see "Last Rites"- Logan's final episode. It was so-so. "Logan begins to doubt the justice system of which he's part after a priest convinces him to re-open a murder case that's over a decade old." (T.V. Guide summary). No huge send-off for Logan this time- he just walks away.
"Frame"- Begins with the murder of Goren's brother, Frank, and an attempt on the life of Bobby's mentor, Declan Gage. It gets weird when Bobby's nemesis, Nicole Wallace, turns out to have murdered Frank. Next, Goren gets a note claiming that his nephew has been kidnapped, and leads to a box containing what turns out to be Nicole's heart! Yikes. With Nicole out of the picture, suspicion leads to Goren...but it turns out to have been Gage all the time.
Good finale- it seems that a bunch of demons from Goren's past have now been exorcised...with a bunch of new ones. Good riddance to Nicole- I always thought she was an awful character.
So that's it for CI- the new season will start in November.
"Frame"- Begins with the murder of Goren's brother, Frank, and an attempt on the life of Bobby's mentor, Declan Gage. It gets weird when Bobby's nemesis, Nicole Wallace, turns out to have murdered Frank. Next, Goren gets a note claiming that his nephew has been kidnapped, and leads to a box containing what turns out to be Nicole's heart! Yikes. With Nicole out of the picture, suspicion leads to Goren...but it turns out to have been Gage all the time.
Good finale- it seems that a bunch of demons from Goren's past have now been exorcised...with a bunch of new ones. Good riddance to Nicole- I always thought she was an awful character.
So that's it for CI- the new season will start in November.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Oops again...
I totally forgot to watch Criminal Intent last night! I can't believe it. I was so engrossed in the book I was reading that it slipped my mind. I'd better not miss the repeat!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Criminal Intent: Neighborhood Watch
This one was pretty good until the end. A convicted sex offender (who really had only had consensual sex with his underage girlfriend) is harassed by his neighbors, and then found murdered mob-style. The neighborhood watch angle was just a red herring- the killer was just a loser kid who wanted to know what killing was like, and wanted fame as a serial killer. A very weak ending. The killer was a big letdown!
Next week, it's the final episode for Logan, as Chris Noth is leaving the show. I hope he gets a better send off than other Law and Order characters have in the past! The show is winding down. I hope there's at least one more Goren/Eames episode in the season.
Next week, it's the final episode for Logan, as Chris Noth is leaving the show. I hope he gets a better send off than other Law and Order characters have in the past! The show is winding down. I hope there's at least one more Goren/Eames episode in the season.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Well, crap again!
Issac Hayes died today. Dammit!
Probably best known as a musician, but he was pretty damned funny on South Park as Chef. "Why hello there, children."
Probably best known as a musician, but he was pretty damned funny on South Park as Chef. "Why hello there, children."
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Crappy news to wake up to.
Actor/comedian Bernie Mac has died from complications of pneumonia.
Damn. I really thought he was going to get better. 50 is way too young to go. :(
Damn. I really thought he was going to get better. 50 is way too young to go. :(
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Doctor Who and Criminal Intent
Doctor Who- Journey's End
The Doctor and his Companions (who now include Rose's mother Jackie and her friend Mickey Smith) are taken hostage by Davros and the Daleks. Martha is still on Earth, trying to put a desperate last plan into action (destroy Earth if necessary). Ianto and Gwen fight off Daleks in the Torchwood Hub. Donna is left in the Tardis, and when she touches the Doctor's spare hand, a new, half-human Doctor is formed. Donna also becomes part Time Lord (Time Lady? :p). She and the new Doctor are able to save everyone and put all of the planets back where they belong...and the new Doctor kills the Daleks.
All the damage the Daleks did to the universe is repaired, but the parallel worlds are being closed off forever. Rose and her mother have to go back. The new Doctor, who is mortal, is sent to stay with her, because the Doctor feels he is a danger to himself and needs guidance. Mickey decides to remain on Earth, and walks off with Jack and Martha (fueling speculation that both will join Torchwood). Sarah Jane is reunited with her son.
Unfortunately for Donna, her brain can't handle the Time Lord abilities, and the Doctor is forced to wipe all of her memories. She is left with her mother and grandfather with the warning that the slightest memory of her adventures with the Doctor will kill her. The Doctor is left alone.
A satisfying end to the season, but poor Donna! It was so much fun to see her and the second Doctor work together and kick Dalek ass! This episode is very likely the last we'll ever see of Rose and Jackie Tyler.
I loved the brief scenes at Torchwood- with Gwen trying to fight all the Daleks. Another brief mention of Tosh- because of a security program she completed before her death, the Daleks can't hurt them.
The whole thing with Martha and the secret plan to destroy Earth as a last resort seemed a bit tacked on. I thought she would be working with Torchwood or something!
Poor Doctor. Davros shows him how alone he is, and how many people have died for him. And he finds Rose again, only to lose her permanently...and loses his latest Companion as well. I wonder how that will play out next season (a long wait, because David Tennant is taking a break to do theater).
I'm looking forward to the Christmas special.
Criminal Intent- Legacy
So-so. Bratty rich teens at a prep school use fake internet identities to humiliate/blackmail people, one of the kids ends up murdered. Yawn. Ripped from the headlines again. I'm getting a little bit bored with the clichéd "rich kids are all evil" stories. Yeah, we get it. The cops hate rich kids.
The Doctor and his Companions (who now include Rose's mother Jackie and her friend Mickey Smith) are taken hostage by Davros and the Daleks. Martha is still on Earth, trying to put a desperate last plan into action (destroy Earth if necessary). Ianto and Gwen fight off Daleks in the Torchwood Hub. Donna is left in the Tardis, and when she touches the Doctor's spare hand, a new, half-human Doctor is formed. Donna also becomes part Time Lord (Time Lady? :p). She and the new Doctor are able to save everyone and put all of the planets back where they belong...and the new Doctor kills the Daleks.
All the damage the Daleks did to the universe is repaired, but the parallel worlds are being closed off forever. Rose and her mother have to go back. The new Doctor, who is mortal, is sent to stay with her, because the Doctor feels he is a danger to himself and needs guidance. Mickey decides to remain on Earth, and walks off with Jack and Martha (fueling speculation that both will join Torchwood). Sarah Jane is reunited with her son.
Unfortunately for Donna, her brain can't handle the Time Lord abilities, and the Doctor is forced to wipe all of her memories. She is left with her mother and grandfather with the warning that the slightest memory of her adventures with the Doctor will kill her. The Doctor is left alone.
A satisfying end to the season, but poor Donna! It was so much fun to see her and the second Doctor work together and kick Dalek ass! This episode is very likely the last we'll ever see of Rose and Jackie Tyler.
I loved the brief scenes at Torchwood- with Gwen trying to fight all the Daleks. Another brief mention of Tosh- because of a security program she completed before her death, the Daleks can't hurt them.
The whole thing with Martha and the secret plan to destroy Earth as a last resort seemed a bit tacked on. I thought she would be working with Torchwood or something!
Poor Doctor. Davros shows him how alone he is, and how many people have died for him. And he finds Rose again, only to lose her permanently...and loses his latest Companion as well. I wonder how that will play out next season (a long wait, because David Tennant is taking a break to do theater).
I'm looking forward to the Christmas special.
Criminal Intent- Legacy
So-so. Bratty rich teens at a prep school use fake internet identities to humiliate/blackmail people, one of the kids ends up murdered. Yawn. Ripped from the headlines again. I'm getting a little bit bored with the clichéd "rich kids are all evil" stories. Yeah, we get it. The cops hate rich kids.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
T.V. this week...
I only half-watched Law and Order: Criminal Intent on Sunday. Not a huge boxing fan, so the story didn't interest me. Oh, well. The Logan episodes are usually not as good as the Goren episodes, anyway!
Monday, July 28, 2008
I am officially old.
I remember this stuff. "In the News"- a news brief for kids that aired on CBS on Saturday mornings in the 70s and early 80s. That theme still gives me the creeps!
About Jimmy Carter(1977):
About Hiroshima(1985- 40th anniversary of the bombing):
More kid stuff- my favorite show in 1979-1980: 3-2-1 Contact!
Hey You Guys! The Electric Company- the opening I remember (from 1977):
About Jimmy Carter(1977):
About Hiroshima(1985- 40th anniversary of the bombing):
More kid stuff- my favorite show in 1979-1980: 3-2-1 Contact!
Hey You Guys! The Electric Company- the opening I remember (from 1977):
Sunday, July 27, 2008
I mentioned the HBO movie Countdown to Looking Glass in this post on my movie blog last year:
I complained that it wasn't available on DVD, because I wanted to see it again. Fortunately for me, a kind soul has posted it at Google Video!
Since it was a made for cable movie, I thought my discussion belonged here instead of the other blog.
As I watch it again, I realize that it actually scared me more than The Day After did (but not as much as Threads). Part of it was the fact that the film's scenarios were very realistic, both then and likely now. I was only about 12 when it first aired on HBO, but I watched the news and had a pretty good idea about what was going on in the world.
The fake newscasts were realistic. The use of a ticking clock over title cards saying "Day One", "Day Two", etc., was a nice touch. And the final scene of the Emergency Broadcast System/Emergency Action Notification activation is chilling.
I complained that it wasn't available on DVD, because I wanted to see it again. Fortunately for me, a kind soul has posted it at Google Video!
Since it was a made for cable movie, I thought my discussion belonged here instead of the other blog.
As I watch it again, I realize that it actually scared me more than The Day After did (but not as much as Threads). Part of it was the fact that the film's scenarios were very realistic, both then and likely now. I was only about 12 when it first aired on HBO, but I watched the news and had a pretty good idea about what was going on in the world.
The fake newscasts were realistic. The use of a ticking clock over title cards saying "Day One", "Day Two", etc., was a nice touch. And the final scene of the Emergency Broadcast System/Emergency Action Notification activation is chilling.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Doctor Who: The Stolen Earth
Boy, I'm glad I didn't miss this one. Since this was part one of the season finale (part two, Journey's End, airs next week), I won't go into a lot of detail. But wow! That was cool. Earth and many other planets are stolen- ripped from their orbits and taken away. It's the Daleks again- and their Master, Davros, is determined to wipe out everything. And The Doctor can't help them- until his former Companions find him. And Rose Tyler returns from her parallel Earth!
Nice little bits of Torchwood- Gwen is shown talking to Rhys on the phone, there's a subtle hint of Jack and Ianto's relationship (Ianto is jealous of someone Jack mentions having flirted with- "Strictly professional".), and Tosh and Owen's heroics of Exit Wounds are briefly mentioned. *is sad again!* And Martha Jones got a promotion, and was working in New York!
Nice little bits of Torchwood- Gwen is shown talking to Rhys on the phone, there's a subtle hint of Jack and Ianto's relationship (Ianto is jealous of someone Jack mentions having flirted with- "Strictly professional".), and Tosh and Owen's heroics of Exit Wounds are briefly mentioned. *is sad again!* And Martha Jones got a promotion, and was working in New York!
Well, color me relieved!
Torchwood next season has been picked up by BBC America.
There was concern that it might not be because of the five long episode format, but they would be stupid to not carry it.
Meanwhile, season two will be available in the U.S. on September 16!
Hooray for Torchy-Wood!
There was concern that it might not be because of the five long episode format, but they would be stupid to not carry it.
Meanwhile, season two will be available in the U.S. on September 16!
Hooray for Torchy-Wood!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Law and Order: CI
"Vanishing Act". Not the greatest episode, but it was entertaining. Creepy start with magician who had been buried alive for a stunt ending up dead in another magician's act. Some neat twists, such as the tunnel/safe room. Guest star Christopher Lloyd was a bit wasted. His character was simply a red herring (planned by the real killer), and he disappeared from the episode. That was a real vanishing act! :p
The night before, I caught a CI I'd only seen the ending of- "Please Note We are No Longer Accepting Letters of Recommendation from Henry Kissinger." Great title! Good story, too. I never knew that people would literally kill to get their kids into an exclusive pre-school...Even if I hadn't seen the end before, I would have figured out the killer. But that's all right. It was still fun to watch.
I also watched some older episodes of both CI and SVU yesterday- USA network had a marathon. Ah, the good old days of SVU. No multiple stories going off in ridiculous directions. No character assassinations, and Munch was more like he was on Homicide. Sigh.
The night before, I caught a CI I'd only seen the ending of- "Please Note We are No Longer Accepting Letters of Recommendation from Henry Kissinger." Great title! Good story, too. I never knew that people would literally kill to get their kids into an exclusive pre-school...Even if I hadn't seen the end before, I would have figured out the killer. But that's all right. It was still fun to watch.
I also watched some older episodes of both CI and SVU yesterday- USA network had a marathon. Ah, the good old days of SVU. No multiple stories going off in ridiculous directions. No character assassinations, and Munch was more like he was on Homicide. Sigh.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Doctor Who: Turn Left
What would have happened if Donna Noble had never met The Doctor? This excellent episode is all about that- she visits a fortune teller and in the process changes her past (turns right instead of left). Everything changes- the Doctor is dead, London is destroyed (by the spaceship Titanic), the Adipose reduce fifth of the U.S. population to blobs of fat, and so on. Rose Tyler appears from her parallel world to help set things right- sending Donna back to the right time so she would make the left turn. The alternate Donna dies, but Rose sends the Doctor a message though her. Bad Wolf. The Doctor realizes that the universe is in trouble...
I loved this episode! It shows how important Donna is in this universe, despite her doubts about herself. The Doctor-less future was frightening- especially with the mushroom cloud over London. Nice to see Rose back for a bit (which explains her appearance in Partners in Crime). Next week- The Doctor calls back his former companions, including Sarah Jane Smith, Martha Jones, and Captain Jack Harkness to help save the universe. Ianto and Gwen will also be there! Can't wait.
I loved this episode! It shows how important Donna is in this universe, despite her doubts about herself. The Doctor-less future was frightening- especially with the mushroom cloud over London. Nice to see Rose back for a bit (which explains her appearance in Partners in Crime). Next week- The Doctor calls back his former companions, including Sarah Jane Smith, Martha Jones, and Captain Jack Harkness to help save the universe. Ianto and Gwen will also be there! Can't wait.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Emmy nominations!
The 2008 Prime Time Emmy nominations are out.
The awesome: Lost and House both nominated for Best Drama Series! Hugh Laurie nominated for Best Actor in a Drama! Michael Emerson (Ben Linus) nominated for Supporting Actor for Lost!
The Bad- a serious lack of sci-fi. Lost doesn't really count. And the rest of the House cast was ignored as usual.
The WTF? The Andromeda Strain nominated for Best Miniseries? You have to be kidding me...but at least it will be trounced by John Adams.
And a surprise- despite the mediocre season of Law and Order: Special Vicitims Unit, Mariska Hargitay was nominated for Best Actress. I love her to death, but this year there wasn't anything special about her performances. She's already won once! And if they're going to nominate her, Chris Meloni deserves a Best Actor nod, too.
I'd love to see House win, but it won't. Mad Men already won the Golden Globe, and that's usually a good indication of who will win the Emmy.
The awesome: Lost and House both nominated for Best Drama Series! Hugh Laurie nominated for Best Actor in a Drama! Michael Emerson (Ben Linus) nominated for Supporting Actor for Lost!
The Bad- a serious lack of sci-fi. Lost doesn't really count. And the rest of the House cast was ignored as usual.
The WTF? The Andromeda Strain nominated for Best Miniseries? You have to be kidding me...but at least it will be trounced by John Adams.
And a surprise- despite the mediocre season of Law and Order: Special Vicitims Unit, Mariska Hargitay was nominated for Best Actress. I love her to death, but this year there wasn't anything special about her performances. She's already won once! And if they're going to nominate her, Chris Meloni deserves a Best Actor nod, too.
I'd love to see House win, but it won't. Mad Men already won the Golden Globe, and that's usually a good indication of who will win the Emmy.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Summer television, continued...
Doctor Who isn't the only show I keep missing. For some reason, I keep forgetting to watch Law and Order: Criminal Intent. Those are the only two shows I watch that have new episodes in the summer!
I did remember to watch Criminal Intent last night, though. "Reunion" was pretty good, though I could see the ending coming. Pretty cool to see Joan Jett on T.V., even if she did get killed off in the teaser!
I guess I'm still trying to blot out last season- I couldn't stand Alicia Witt, so I avoided all of the Logan episodes. Now that Julianne Nicholson is back as Wheeler, I can watch again.
I did remember to watch Criminal Intent last night, though. "Reunion" was pretty good, though I could see the ending coming. Pretty cool to see Joan Jett on T.V., even if she did get killed off in the teaser!
I guess I'm still trying to blot out last season- I couldn't stand Alicia Witt, so I avoided all of the Logan episodes. Now that Julianne Nicholson is back as Wheeler, I can watch again.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Still watching T.V.!
Mostly on DVD now, though. I'm re-watching the BBC Scotland series Hamish Macbeth (based on the M.C. Beaton mystery novels) right now. I'm almost finished. I wish there had been more than three seasons and twenty episodes!
I keep missing Doctor Who. Stupid me. I'd better not miss the rest of the season- because the last episode has stuff that will be important for Torchwood later.
Speaking of Torchwood, the next season is only going to be five episodes long. Five. Episodes. Granted, they'll be longer than the normal episode, but five is all we get? It wasn't bad enough that they killed Tosh and Owen, they have to cut our episodes, too? *cries* And the short season length means that BBC America is less likely to air them. Damn it.
I keep missing Doctor Who. Stupid me. I'd better not miss the rest of the season- because the last episode has stuff that will be important for Torchwood later.
Speaking of Torchwood, the next season is only going to be five episodes long. Five. Episodes. Granted, they'll be longer than the normal episode, but five is all we get? It wasn't bad enough that they killed Tosh and Owen, they have to cut our episodes, too? *cries* And the short season length means that BBC America is less likely to air them. Damn it.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
If there's no Meet The Press in Heaven, I'm not Going!
Great cartoon today:

*is sad again* I wonder who will succeed him (no one can replace him)? Tom Brokaw would be good as a temporary replacement, but doesn't he want to enjoy his retirement? I remember John Chancellor retiring and then dropping dead shortly after. David Gregory might be good, but he's a little too left biased for some (not for me!)
Other NBC thoughts...Where in the world is Lester Holt (sorry, Matt)? I hope he's just on vacation. I'd hate to think he'd been fired or gone to another network! He's the hardest working guy there.
*is sad again* I wonder who will succeed him (no one can replace him)? Tom Brokaw would be good as a temporary replacement, but doesn't he want to enjoy his retirement? I remember John Chancellor retiring and then dropping dead shortly after. David Gregory might be good, but he's a little too left biased for some (not for me!)
Other NBC thoughts...Where in the world is Lester Holt (sorry, Matt)? I hope he's just on vacation. I'd hate to think he'd been fired or gone to another network! He's the hardest working guy there.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
On a lighter note...
A "favorite Muppet" poll I recently participated in had me running to You Tube for clips. I found a gold mine. I loved The Muppet Show as a kid!
Probably my favorite skit ever to come out of the show: Rowlf and Sam the Eagle sing "Tit-Willow".

I love You Tube...
More...Muppet Balls!
Lydia the Tattooed Lady:
I loved it when celebrities joined in on the fun- Judy Collins singing "Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly":
And Elton John:
I'll probably post more of these later!
Probably my favorite skit ever to come out of the show: Rowlf and Sam the Eagle sing "Tit-Willow".
I love You Tube...
More...Muppet Balls!
Lydia the Tattooed Lady:
I loved it when celebrities joined in on the fun- Judy Collins singing "Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly":
And Elton John:
I'll probably post more of these later!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Well, this sucks.
Tim Russert of Meet The Press died yesterday of a heart attack. He was only 58! MTP will never be the same. I was so looking forward to seeing him on election night this November.
Other T.V. stuff- still watching Doctor Who, but I missed a couple of episodes. Last night I saw "the Unicorn and the Wasp" (the Agatha Christie episode). It was fun.
Other T.V. stuff- still watching Doctor Who, but I missed a couple of episodes. Last night I saw "the Unicorn and the Wasp" (the Agatha Christie episode). It was fun.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Lost- There's No Place Like Home, parts 2 and 3
WOW! That was the best season finale they've ever done. Lots of action and great character moments. All kinds of plots are put together, and they answer plenty of questions (as well as add new ones).
Part one had Ben and Locke at the Orchid Station, where they plan to move the island. They are followed by Keame, the Boatie who killed Alex. Ben tries to kill him, but Keame mentions that the boat will explode if he dies (he's the timer). Ben kills him anyway, to Locke's horror. Ben informs Locke that whoever moves the island can never return to it.
Meanwhile, Hurley, Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Sayid, and baby Aaron are in the helicopter with Frank the pilot. Jin, Desmond, and Michael try to keep the explosives from detonating, but they can't do it. The helicopter runs out of fuel and lands on the boat just as time runs out. The boat explodes with Jin and Michael still on it.
Ben leaves Locke in charge of the island. He uses the station controls to move the island. It disappears just as Frank is getting ready to land the chopper. They crash...but hours later, they are picked up by a boat. It's Penny Widmore, the daughter of Ben's enemy and Desmond's true love. They have a happy reunion, and Jack begins to plan the story of the Oceanic Six- so that those left on the island will be safe.
The very end is another flash forward. Jack sneaks into the funeral parlor from last season...and opens the coffin. Ben suddenly appears, and tells him that they have to go back. All of them, including the man in the casket. The camera pulls back to reveal the body of John Locke!
That was just amazing! I never would have guessed that it was Locke in the coffin. That was a surprise, and asks new questions to be answered next season. How did he get off of the island, and what happened after the Oceanic Six left?
There were so many great character bits. When the helicopter needs to drop weight in order to stay in the air, Sawyer volunteers himself. To everyone's horror (especially the audience's!), he jumps into the ocean. Amazingly, he is able to swim to shore...It was so great to see Sawyer get to be the hero (instead of Jack- yawn...)! The look on Kate's face had me feeling sorry for her for a second. Just a second...:p
Walt appears- he's grown quite a bit, and he is somewhat annoyed that none of the Oceanic Six has visited him, or told him what happened to his father, Michael. Hurley tells him that their rescue story was a lie. Later, Sayid comes and breaks Hurley out of the hospital.
Michael and Jin desperately try to save the boat. At the end, they can do nothing. Michael begs Jin to leave and go with Sun...but it's too late, and Sun gets hysterical when the boat explodes. In another flash forward, she is shown meeting with Mr. tell him that Ben is off the island too. So that's another set up for next season...Sun avenging Jin.
My favorite T.V. love story gets a happy ending (for now)- Desmond and Penny have a lovely reunion. "I'll never leave you again..." Next season, he's going to have to protect her from Ben.
Finally, in a dream, Kate is visited by Claire, who tells her not to bring Aaron back to the island. That will bring some Jack/Kate conflict next season for sure...
At least now we know why Jack went a little nuts in the future- Locke visited him, and Kate, too- to tell them all of the terrible things that happened after they left- and that Jack is responsible. So there will be some interesting questions for next season- What happened? How and why did Locke leave the island, and how did he die?
Despite the new questions, I think Lost is really coming together. All the little bits and pieces are making more sense as the show goes on. I'm definitely sticking with it until the end!
Locke: You just killed everyone on the boat!
Ben: So?
The way he delivered that one word...*shudders* Ben really is one of the best T.V. bad guys.
Desmond (to Jack): I'll see you in another life, brother.
Hurley: Checkmate, Mr. Eko. (he had apparently playing with Eko's ghost!)
Can't wait for next season. I hate having to wait until January!
Of the season finales I saw this year, that was probably the best- then Torchwood and House. All three had me sniffling...pretty big death count this year. Jin, Michael, and Locke on Lost (and likely Claire, too, from earlier); Owen and Tosh on Torchwood; Amber on House. So that's pretty much it for my shows this year (except for Doctor Who).
T.V. for me this year: Good, but because of the Writer's Guild strike, I didn't get enough of my favorites, especially House. I've lost all faith that Law and Order: Special Victims Unit can be great again. Lost continues to amaze, and I became a Torchwood fan with just a few episodes. Because BBC America got the show late last fall, it was like a full U.S. television season- 26 episode of Torchy goodness! I'm really worried about next year. Also, I got hooked on Doctor Who. Not a bad thing!
Part one had Ben and Locke at the Orchid Station, where they plan to move the island. They are followed by Keame, the Boatie who killed Alex. Ben tries to kill him, but Keame mentions that the boat will explode if he dies (he's the timer). Ben kills him anyway, to Locke's horror. Ben informs Locke that whoever moves the island can never return to it.
Meanwhile, Hurley, Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Sayid, and baby Aaron are in the helicopter with Frank the pilot. Jin, Desmond, and Michael try to keep the explosives from detonating, but they can't do it. The helicopter runs out of fuel and lands on the boat just as time runs out. The boat explodes with Jin and Michael still on it.
Ben leaves Locke in charge of the island. He uses the station controls to move the island. It disappears just as Frank is getting ready to land the chopper. They crash...but hours later, they are picked up by a boat. It's Penny Widmore, the daughter of Ben's enemy and Desmond's true love. They have a happy reunion, and Jack begins to plan the story of the Oceanic Six- so that those left on the island will be safe.
The very end is another flash forward. Jack sneaks into the funeral parlor from last season...and opens the coffin. Ben suddenly appears, and tells him that they have to go back. All of them, including the man in the casket. The camera pulls back to reveal the body of John Locke!
That was just amazing! I never would have guessed that it was Locke in the coffin. That was a surprise, and asks new questions to be answered next season. How did he get off of the island, and what happened after the Oceanic Six left?
There were so many great character bits. When the helicopter needs to drop weight in order to stay in the air, Sawyer volunteers himself. To everyone's horror (especially the audience's!), he jumps into the ocean. Amazingly, he is able to swim to shore...It was so great to see Sawyer get to be the hero (instead of Jack- yawn...)! The look on Kate's face had me feeling sorry for her for a second. Just a second...:p
Walt appears- he's grown quite a bit, and he is somewhat annoyed that none of the Oceanic Six has visited him, or told him what happened to his father, Michael. Hurley tells him that their rescue story was a lie. Later, Sayid comes and breaks Hurley out of the hospital.
Michael and Jin desperately try to save the boat. At the end, they can do nothing. Michael begs Jin to leave and go with Sun...but it's too late, and Sun gets hysterical when the boat explodes. In another flash forward, she is shown meeting with Mr. tell him that Ben is off the island too. So that's another set up for next season...Sun avenging Jin.
My favorite T.V. love story gets a happy ending (for now)- Desmond and Penny have a lovely reunion. "I'll never leave you again..." Next season, he's going to have to protect her from Ben.
Finally, in a dream, Kate is visited by Claire, who tells her not to bring Aaron back to the island. That will bring some Jack/Kate conflict next season for sure...
At least now we know why Jack went a little nuts in the future- Locke visited him, and Kate, too- to tell them all of the terrible things that happened after they left- and that Jack is responsible. So there will be some interesting questions for next season- What happened? How and why did Locke leave the island, and how did he die?
Despite the new questions, I think Lost is really coming together. All the little bits and pieces are making more sense as the show goes on. I'm definitely sticking with it until the end!
Locke: You just killed everyone on the boat!
Ben: So?
The way he delivered that one word...*shudders* Ben really is one of the best T.V. bad guys.
Desmond (to Jack): I'll see you in another life, brother.
Hurley: Checkmate, Mr. Eko. (he had apparently playing with Eko's ghost!)
Can't wait for next season. I hate having to wait until January!
Of the season finales I saw this year, that was probably the best- then Torchwood and House. All three had me sniffling...pretty big death count this year. Jin, Michael, and Locke on Lost (and likely Claire, too, from earlier); Owen and Tosh on Torchwood; Amber on House. So that's pretty much it for my shows this year (except for Doctor Who).
T.V. for me this year: Good, but because of the Writer's Guild strike, I didn't get enough of my favorites, especially House. I've lost all faith that Law and Order: Special Victims Unit can be great again. Lost continues to amaze, and I became a Torchwood fan with just a few episodes. Because BBC America got the show late last fall, it was like a full U.S. television season- 26 episode of Torchy goodness! I'm really worried about next year. Also, I got hooked on Doctor Who. Not a bad thing!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Last Lost tonight!
2 hours of it. I hope it's good.
I watched The Andromeda Strain on A&E this week. I wish I hadn't bothered. It was a little bit boring, and the writers tried too hard to make it more contemporary- in the original Michael Crichton novel, all of the doctors were white men. In the miniseries, two are women, one is black, one is Asian, one is gay. They tried to get a little bit of everything in there....other attempts to make it more "2008"- references to Homeland Security and Weapons of Mass Destruction. It really doesn't work too well. Plus there's a tacked on relationship between two of the doctors that falls flat. Finally, the whole subplot of the reporter trying to break the story was useless and could have been cut with no effect on the story. Bleah. Stick with the book, or the original 1971 movie!
Other T.V. news- Actor/comedian Harvey Korman, best known for The Carol Burnett Show, died today at 81. Damn. I loved watching that show as a kid. :( Also, Alexander Courage, who wrote the theme for the original Star Trek series, died May 15 at age 88. Even people who never watched Star Trek knows that iconic theme!
I watched The Andromeda Strain on A&E this week. I wish I hadn't bothered. It was a little bit boring, and the writers tried too hard to make it more contemporary- in the original Michael Crichton novel, all of the doctors were white men. In the miniseries, two are women, one is black, one is Asian, one is gay. They tried to get a little bit of everything in there....other attempts to make it more "2008"- references to Homeland Security and Weapons of Mass Destruction. It really doesn't work too well. Plus there's a tacked on relationship between two of the doctors that falls flat. Finally, the whole subplot of the reporter trying to break the story was useless and could have been cut with no effect on the story. Bleah. Stick with the book, or the original 1971 movie!
Other T.V. news- Actor/comedian Harvey Korman, best known for The Carol Burnett Show, died today at 81. Damn. I loved watching that show as a kid. :( Also, Alexander Courage, who wrote the theme for the original Star Trek series, died May 15 at age 88. Even people who never watched Star Trek knows that iconic theme!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Wilson's Heart- the review.
House and Wilson bring Amber to the teaching hospital to see what can be done for her. She is put on heart bypass to buy them time. House's memory begins to come back, why she was with him on the bus, what she was doing at the time. House undergoes a procedure that could kill him just to recover his memories. He finally remembers why she was with him- and that she had been sick with the flu. It turns out that the accident killed her kidneys, and that the overdose of her flu medication meant that nothing could be done. She is woken up to say her goodbyes, and dies in Wilson's arms. Meanwhile, House is in a coma because of his treatment.
Oh, jeez, that was so sad. Poor Amber. I didn't like her much, but that was not a nice way to go. Poor Wilson! I loved this episode. We get to see that House really is a human- he feels guilty because he was the reason Amber was on the bus (and therefore inadvertently responsible for her death) and that he survived and she didn't. His "I'm so sorry" to Wilson was truly heart-felt. And he was brutally honest to "ghost" Amber while in a coma- that he didn't want to go back because of his guilt, his loneliness, and because Wilson will probably hate him. The doclings get good stuff in, too- we learn a little more about Kutner's past and why he takes things so well ("things happen and you can't do anything about it"), Thirteen finally tests herself for Huntingdon's (she's positive! Yikes.), and after Amber dies, Taub goes home and hugs his wife. Finally, I loved the bit where Cuddy holds House's hand as he recovers, and Wilson turns away from him. That's going to be an interesting thing next season- the Wilson/House friendship, always strained, could be in serious trouble. Poor, poor Wilson! He just broke my heart, especially when he found Amber's note telling him where she was. Robert Sean Leonard and Hugh Laurie both deserve Emmys. A good end to a fairly good season.
Amber: "You can't always get what you want."
Oh, jeez, that was so sad. Poor Amber. I didn't like her much, but that was not a nice way to go. Poor Wilson! I loved this episode. We get to see that House really is a human- he feels guilty because he was the reason Amber was on the bus (and therefore inadvertently responsible for her death) and that he survived and she didn't. His "I'm so sorry" to Wilson was truly heart-felt. And he was brutally honest to "ghost" Amber while in a coma- that he didn't want to go back because of his guilt, his loneliness, and because Wilson will probably hate him. The doclings get good stuff in, too- we learn a little more about Kutner's past and why he takes things so well ("things happen and you can't do anything about it"), Thirteen finally tests herself for Huntingdon's (she's positive! Yikes.), and after Amber dies, Taub goes home and hugs his wife. Finally, I loved the bit where Cuddy holds House's hand as he recovers, and Wilson turns away from him. That's going to be an interesting thing next season- the Wilson/House friendship, always strained, could be in serious trouble. Poor, poor Wilson! He just broke my heart, especially when he found Amber's note telling him where she was. Robert Sean Leonard and Hugh Laurie both deserve Emmys. A good end to a fairly good season.
Amber: "You can't always get what you want."
Monday, May 19, 2008
House: Wilson's Heart
I think I just ran out of tissues. That was so sad. I'm not quite ready to review, but I will say that it was a very satisfying season finale.
Wow. That's two season finales I've cried over. This one didn't top Torchwood's, but it came pretty darn close. I dread the end of Lost next week!
Wow. That's two season finales I've cried over. This one didn't top Torchwood's, but it came pretty darn close. I dread the end of Lost next week!
Not really television...
I do love You Tube. I have had so much fun looking up old commercials and clips of shows and old news bulletins. Last night I found a little animated short that scared me to death as a child- Bambi Meets Godzilla.
Splat! Poor Bambi!
Splat! Poor Bambi!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Lost-There's No Place Like Home, part 1
Things are really starting to fall into place for this show. This episode was merely a set-up for the two-hour finale in two weeks, but it's a good set-up. The flash forward has the Oceanic Six returning home- they meet their families, give an uncomfortable press conference, and Jack gives the eulogy at his dad's memorial service...where he meets Claire's mother. She informs him that Claire was his half sister. Hurley starts to become unhinged. Kate tries to pass off Aaron as her own baby, Sun stands up to her father, and Sayid is reunited with Nadia. It's quite odd how the flash forwards have been going backwards all season!
Meanwhile, back at the island...
Jack and Kate go looking for the helicopter, and run into Sawyer and baby Aaron. He tells them that Claire has vanished. Locke, Hurley, and Ben reach the "Orchid" station, where Ben tells them that the island can be moved. (Yikes!) Ben gives himself up to Widmore's lackeys, for reasons unknown. Sayid goes looking for Jack. Daniel begins moving the Losties to the boat. Desmond and Michael discover that the electronics of the boat have been rigged with explosives...
I can see where this is going, and how the "Oceanic Six" came to be. It's pretty clear that the boat is going to blow up, and the helicopter is the only way out.
I hate having to wait two weeks for the finale! Who cares about Grey's Anatomy? :p
Meanwhile, back at the island...
Jack and Kate go looking for the helicopter, and run into Sawyer and baby Aaron. He tells them that Claire has vanished. Locke, Hurley, and Ben reach the "Orchid" station, where Ben tells them that the island can be moved. (Yikes!) Ben gives himself up to Widmore's lackeys, for reasons unknown. Sayid goes looking for Jack. Daniel begins moving the Losties to the boat. Desmond and Michael discover that the electronics of the boat have been rigged with explosives...
I can see where this is going, and how the "Oceanic Six" came to be. It's pretty clear that the boat is going to blow up, and the helicopter is the only way out.
I hate having to wait two weeks for the finale! Who cares about Grey's Anatomy? :p
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Reviews in this blog are considered especially heinous!
Law and Order: SVU- "Cold"
Ugh! What was that? That was a season finale? It should have been a series finale, if that's the best they can do!
So, Det. Lake investigates a cold case involving a rape/murder committed by cops. He shoots one of the cops dead, is shot himself, goes on the run. The other bad cop is caught and put on trial, and Casey withholds evidence in the trial. Mistrial declared, bad cop gets off, Lake kills bad cop, Casey is suspended. That's it. Couldn't they have been more original?
Other oddities- Fin calling Stabler a rat bastard? What the heck? Hardly a peep out of Benson tonight. She was the lucky one.
I hate Judge Donnelly. Poor Casey. Her career is over.
Lake, however, I never cared for. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out, Chester!
Only bright spot last night- Munch had more than a few lines. There's not enough of Munch on the show anymore.
Is this really going to be back next season? There had better be some improvements, or they really should cancel it.
Ugh! What was that? That was a season finale? It should have been a series finale, if that's the best they can do!
So, Det. Lake investigates a cold case involving a rape/murder committed by cops. He shoots one of the cops dead, is shot himself, goes on the run. The other bad cop is caught and put on trial, and Casey withholds evidence in the trial. Mistrial declared, bad cop gets off, Lake kills bad cop, Casey is suspended. That's it. Couldn't they have been more original?
Other oddities- Fin calling Stabler a rat bastard? What the heck? Hardly a peep out of Benson tonight. She was the lucky one.
I hate Judge Donnelly. Poor Casey. Her career is over.
Lake, however, I never cared for. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out, Chester!
Only bright spot last night- Munch had more than a few lines. There's not enough of Munch on the show anymore.
Is this really going to be back next season? There had better be some improvements, or they really should cancel it.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Kill it now. Please.
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit...absolutely SUCKED tonight. Not a good thing for a season finale. I'll elaborate later. I'm not done throwing things at my television screen.
Catching up with the other Doctor!
Dr. Gregory House, that is.
May 12- House's Head
"A bus accident robs House of several hours, and as his memory slowly returns, he realizes that one of his fellow passengers was exhibiting signs of a deadly illness, so he races to unlock the secrets in his brain."
Wow. That was a mind-blowing episode. House loses several hours, and goes through all kinds of weird ways to get his memory back, including hypnosis. This was an interesting look into House's mind, and how it works as he reconstructs the accident and the other passengers. The end is a surprise...the passenger who is dying is Amber (AKA Cutthroat Bitch), once a candidate for internship and now Dr. Wilson's girlfriend. House has no memory of why they were on the bus be continued next week in the finale: Wilson's Heart.
"Thirteen" (supposedly a bisexual): I'm not a lesbian!
House: Well, I was rounding up from 50%.
Other T.V. stuff- I missed Lost last week. I didn't forget to watch- there was a tornado warning in my area, and when I wasn't hiding in the basement, the show was preempted for storm coverage. The tornado missed my street by just over a mile!
May 12- House's Head
"A bus accident robs House of several hours, and as his memory slowly returns, he realizes that one of his fellow passengers was exhibiting signs of a deadly illness, so he races to unlock the secrets in his brain."
Wow. That was a mind-blowing episode. House loses several hours, and goes through all kinds of weird ways to get his memory back, including hypnosis. This was an interesting look into House's mind, and how it works as he reconstructs the accident and the other passengers. The end is a surprise...the passenger who is dying is Amber (AKA Cutthroat Bitch), once a candidate for internship and now Dr. Wilson's girlfriend. House has no memory of why they were on the bus be continued next week in the finale: Wilson's Heart.
"Thirteen" (supposedly a bisexual): I'm not a lesbian!
House: Well, I was rounding up from 50%.
Other T.V. stuff- I missed Lost last week. I didn't forget to watch- there was a tornado warning in my area, and when I wasn't hiding in the basement, the show was preempted for storm coverage. The tornado missed my street by just over a mile!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Catching up with the Doctor...
I finally watched my tape of Doctor Who- Partners in Crime last week, and watched Planet of the Ood on Friday. Partners was cute- sort of. A new diet drug called Adipose promises to make fat walk away...and it literally does! The "drugs" are actually seeds, and human fat turns them into little aliens- the Adipose. They're absolutely adorable. The catch is, they can be programed to eat away at the entire body, not just fat, which leaves nothing left of the pill taker! The director of the diet drug company is actually a nanny to these little guys...and she means to make millions of them. It's up to the Doctor and his new Companion, Donna Noble, to stop her. There's a surprise at the end- the crowd of people watching the Adipose leave includes Rose- a previous Companion stuck on a parallel world (and pretty much dead to our Earth)! Wonder how that is going to be explained...
Aw, those Adipose were so cute. Too bad they could be deadly.

Cute quote:
Donna: [incredulously, as they wave to the massed levitating Adipose] We're waving at fat.
Planet of the Ood was a little more somber. The Doctor and Donna land on the planet, where humans of the 42nd Century are breeding and using the Ood as slaves. A bit heavy on the SLAVERY IS BAD! BAD!! message (we know! we know!), but the Ood are interesting.
Aw, those Adipose were so cute. Too bad they could be deadly.
Cute quote:
Donna: [incredulously, as they wave to the massed levitating Adipose] We're waving at fat.
Planet of the Ood was a little more somber. The Doctor and Donna land on the planet, where humans of the 42nd Century are breeding and using the Ood as slaves. A bit heavy on the SLAVERY IS BAD! BAD!! message (we know! we know!), but the Ood are interesting.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
House and SVU, May 5 and 6
House- "Living the Dream"
House kidnaps the star of his favorite soap because he's convinced the star has a tumor. Meanwhile, Cuddy faces an inspection, and Wilson and his new girlfriend go bed shopping. Great case, and I loved the beginning with House in the limo. Liked the soap opera star, too, and his interactions with House and the new interns. I hate Wilson's girlfriend, but the water bed bit was so cute! I'm still getting used to the new "doc-lings".
Next week looks good, too.
SVU- "Trade"
Girlfriend of coffee trader's son is murdered, evidence points to both father and son. Chaos ensues. Twists a-plenty.
That wasn't too bad, though Stephen Collins over acted considerably and I knew that the son's lawyer was the real killer very early on. But the last little twist with lawyer forcing the son to jump off the building with her was unexpected! Yikes.
Season finale next week- Diane Neal is leaving, so I'm sure she'll get an interesting send-off. Maybe Casey can finally win a case. :p
I finally watched Doctor Who: Voyage of the Damned. I enjoyed it, though it was over the top even for Who! It borrowed too much from all sorts of ship disaster movies- yup, it was Titanic and Poseidon Adventure blended together and thrown into space! Kylie Minouge was a nice addition, even if it was a one-shot. What a nice Companion Astrid would have made...I'll watch Partners in Crime later. I'm still kicking myself for missing Fires of Pompeii.
House kidnaps the star of his favorite soap because he's convinced the star has a tumor. Meanwhile, Cuddy faces an inspection, and Wilson and his new girlfriend go bed shopping. Great case, and I loved the beginning with House in the limo. Liked the soap opera star, too, and his interactions with House and the new interns. I hate Wilson's girlfriend, but the water bed bit was so cute! I'm still getting used to the new "doc-lings".
Next week looks good, too.
SVU- "Trade"
Girlfriend of coffee trader's son is murdered, evidence points to both father and son. Chaos ensues. Twists a-plenty.
That wasn't too bad, though Stephen Collins over acted considerably and I knew that the son's lawyer was the real killer very early on. But the last little twist with lawyer forcing the son to jump off the building with her was unexpected! Yikes.
Season finale next week- Diane Neal is leaving, so I'm sure she'll get an interesting send-off. Maybe Casey can finally win a case. :p
I finally watched Doctor Who: Voyage of the Damned. I enjoyed it, though it was over the top even for Who! It borrowed too much from all sorts of ship disaster movies- yup, it was Titanic and Poseidon Adventure blended together and thrown into space! Kylie Minouge was a nice addition, even if it was a one-shot. What a nice Companion Astrid would have made...I'll watch Partners in Crime later. I'm still kicking myself for missing Fires of Pompeii.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
I keep missing the shows I want to watch. I forgot about Doctor Who on Friday. And Sci-Fi is not good about repeats.
I will not miss House tomorrow. I will not miss House tomorrow. I will not miss House tomorrow...
On the other hand, I was so disappointed with SVU and Lost last week (especially Lost) I might just skip them both...
I will not miss House tomorrow. I will not miss House tomorrow. I will not miss House tomorrow...
On the other hand, I was so disappointed with SVU and Lost last week (especially Lost) I might just skip them both...
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Lost: Something Nice Back Home
Le sigh. After a kick-ass episode last week, we get this boring piece. Jack episodes almost never thrill me, and the flash-forward had me rolling my eyes. The only interesting part is Hurley in the mental hospital saying that all the Oceanic Six are dead. And the ending, with Claire walking off with her dad (also Jack's dad), and leaving Aaron behind. Curiouser and curiouser...
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Law and Order: SVU- Authority
What the hell was that? The plot went in different directions, and Robin Williams was ridiculously over the top. Please, SVU- enough of the "special guest stars". They get lamer and lamer with each episode. Only good point: Munch had something to do for a change.
I didn't even bother with a review of last weeks episode, "Closet". Ugh. I think it's time to put this show out to pasture!
House is back...but it moved to Monday, so I forgot about it...
I didn't even bother with a review of last weeks episode, "Closet". Ugh. I think it's time to put this show out to pasture!
House is back...but it moved to Monday, so I forgot about it...
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Lost: The Shape of Things to Come
They killed Alex! The bastards!!!!!!
Very good episode. We found out why Sayid works for Ben in the future...and that Ben plans to kill Widmore's daughter Penny to avenge Alex (though it was his fault she was killed). Aw, Desmond is not going to like that at all. Poor Sayid. He finally found Nadia and married her, only to have her murdered...presumably by Widmore's people. But with Ben, you never know...he could be lying just to get Sayid to do his bidding.
And Claire almost got killed! At least, her house got blown up!
And Lostzilla made an appearance! Took out a bunch of bad guys. Wheeeee, what fun!
And oh, yeah- the Boaties admit that they never intended to rescue the Losties. Duh.
I think things are finally starting to fall into place. Obviously, there's this big personal war between Ben and Mr. Widmore ("it's my island and it will be again.')
Damn. I hope they can resolve a few things in the few episodes we have left this season.
Very good episode. We found out why Sayid works for Ben in the future...and that Ben plans to kill Widmore's daughter Penny to avenge Alex (though it was his fault she was killed). Aw, Desmond is not going to like that at all. Poor Sayid. He finally found Nadia and married her, only to have her murdered...presumably by Widmore's people. But with Ben, you never know...he could be lying just to get Sayid to do his bidding.
And Claire almost got killed! At least, her house got blown up!
And Lostzilla made an appearance! Took out a bunch of bad guys. Wheeeee, what fun!
And oh, yeah- the Boaties admit that they never intended to rescue the Losties. Duh.
I think things are finally starting to fall into place. Obviously, there's this big personal war between Ben and Mr. Widmore ("it's my island and it will be again.')
Damn. I hope they can resolve a few things in the few episodes we have left this season.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Torchwood: Exit Wounds and a Doctor Who bonus!
Once again, from my live journal with a few additions. I re-watched both Fragments and Exit Wounds tonight, and cried all the way through the last five minutes.
My take on Exit Wounds, with some screen caps by
invaderwitch and
marishna . (thanks so much!)
Captain John Hart returns, and all hell breaks loose because of him. Bombs go off all around Cardiff, throwing the city into chaos. He tortures Jack and takes him back to the year 27 A.D., and there they meet Jack's long lost brother, Gray. Gray stabs Jack, and orders John to bury him. It turns out that Gray is controlling John, because he wants revenge on Jack for losing him as a child. John leaves a tracking device in the grave...and Jack is buried until 1901. The Torchwood of that era digs him up and freezes him.
Meanwhile, Gwen and the rest run around Cardiff, trying to fix the damage. When they return to the Hub, Gray is there- and he locks them and John in the Weevil cells. Gray has unleashed the Weevils on the city, but Owen (using his "King of the Weevils" status) is able to control them somewhat. He runs to the nuclear power plant to help stop a meltdown, with Tosh giving him instructions from the Hub. Gray shoots Tosh. She continues to help Owen, not letting him know she is hurt. She realizes that Owen can not get out of the control room in time to save himself. He loses control until Tosh begs him to stop...then he says goodbye (still not knowing that she is hurt). The control room is flooded with radiation, and Owen is presumed killed (or rather, destroyed, as he is already dead).
Jack is released from the cryo-chamber- he knocks Gray out and releases his team. They rush to Tosh, but it is too late to help her. She dies in Jack's arms.
The episode ends with news of the destruction in Cardiff, and the team mourning Tosh and Owen. Jack decides to freeze Gray rather than kill him. John decides to stay on Earth for a while to see why Jack loves it so much. While cleaning out Tosh and Owen's desks, a pre-recorded message from Tosh appears, thanking Jack for all he's done for her, and that she loves Owen (of course, he is not there to hear it), and all of them. Gwen breaks down, as if she can't go on, but Jack says they must.
I don't think I've ever been so heartbroken by a season finale (No, not even Deep Space Nine's Tears of the Prophets!). I went in totally spoiled, so I was prepared, but I still couldn't help crying. Overall, the episode was pretty good, if a bit slow in parts. It was great to have John Hart back, and I'm glad he wasn't really responsible for what happened. That means we'll be seeing James Marsters again for sure! The Cardiff explosions were scary. There was a disturbing lack of Ianto, though he kicked ass in his few scenes. I actually liked Gwen in this episode. She really took control like she knew what she was doing. I also liked having both Rhys and P.C. Andy in on the action. I really didn't think Gray was a good actor, but he looks and sounds enough like John Barrowman to pass. The whole "Jack buried alive for 1800+ years" was a little ridiculous- how could he go through that and not be totally batshit insane? If there is a third series with Jack, they're going to have to deal with it. It was fun to see 1901 Torchwood, though. Nice continuity with Owen as King of the Weevils. The Weevils bowing before him was a bit of needed humor! The whole final conversation between Owen and Tosh was beautifully done, with Owen railing against his fate and Tosh trying to calm him ("you're breaking my heart" was corny, but still made me cry). Fantastic work by Burn Gorman and Naoko Mori. Owen's resignation about his second death was heartbreaking. I completely lost it, though, when Jack found Tosh, and she died in his arms. I loved her final goodbye through the computer. The last shot of the three survivors holding on to each other in the Hub was a fitting end to the season.
I'm going to miss Owen and Tosh so much. I don't know if it will be worth watching next season. I really don't like the rumors of a toned-down Torchwood. What would be the point? I'm pretty sure Tosh is permanently dead, but we didn't really see Owen go, did we? Gorman made some jokes about Owen escaping into the sewers or something, and he repeatedly says he'll be back. But if not, hey, he's going to be working for a long time!
There were a lot of great quotes- this whole Owen/Tosh exchange was so good:
Owen: [can't get out of the room and is about to be vaporised] [hysterical] TOSH! TOSHIKO I CAN'T GET OUT! NOT LIKE THIS!! I'M NOT DYING HERE! Get me out of here Tosh. GET ME OUT OF HERE, I DIED ONCE AND I'M NOT DOING IT AGAIN! Where's Jack? Where's Gwen, Ianto? YOU WANNA WATCH THE DEAD MAN DIE AGAIN?!
Tosh: Owen, just stay calm.
Owen: Why should I do that? Where's the FUN IN THAT! I'm gonna rage my way to oblivion [Yells continuously]
Tosh: [almost whisper] Please stop
Tosh: [crying] Because you're breaking my heart.
Owen: [calms down] Sorry.
Rhys and Andy discuss the sudden disappearance of the Weevils:
"Where've they gone?" "Abergavenny?" Hee!
Sometimes a simple phrase will do- after Ianto and Tosh waste the "monks":
Ianto: "There we are then."
Tosh: "Sorted."
John to the chained up Jack: "Suddenly you're anti-bondage?" Bwaaah.
Jack: The end is where we start from.
A few of the screen caps:
Bang bang, without the Kiss kiss.

"Uh, Jack can't come to the phone right now...he is a bit tied up at the moment."

Cardiff go boom boom. :(

I know little brothers are supposed to be annoying, but burying big brother alive for 1800 years? That's a little much...

I think Owen knew Tosh was hurt. :(

Torchwood 1901 FTW.

Poor, poor Owen.

Poor, poor Tosh. Hasn't she suffered enough? :( At least Jack is with her...

This is where I really lost it- Jack putting away Owen's lab coat:

Oh, yeah. This made me cry, too.

But not as much as this...
"I hope I did good." Yes, honey. You sure did. :(

All that remains...

The end is where we start from...

Well, that's it for season two. I'll do a recap later, plus a recap of season one, now that I've watched the DVDs, including the Torchwood Declassified. I will say there was only one episode I didn't like at all- From Out of the Rain. And even that one had a couple of nice moments.
I was pretty much glued to the tube tonight. I wasn't home last week, so I missed Doctor Who. I watched Season Three's final three episodes, Utopia, The Sound of Drums, and Last of the Time Lords. Wow. That was a fun ride. I'm not ready to call myself a Whovian, but I really enjoyed all three episodes! I also liked the previous episode, Blink. I really need to check out the other two seasons (of new Who). In the U.S., Doctor Who has moved back to the Sci-Fi channel, so they'll probably repeat them. And the library has many videos of old school Who to check out. Just what I needed, a new fandom! Season Four starts here soon.
My take on Exit Wounds, with some screen caps by
Captain John Hart returns, and all hell breaks loose because of him. Bombs go off all around Cardiff, throwing the city into chaos. He tortures Jack and takes him back to the year 27 A.D., and there they meet Jack's long lost brother, Gray. Gray stabs Jack, and orders John to bury him. It turns out that Gray is controlling John, because he wants revenge on Jack for losing him as a child. John leaves a tracking device in the grave...and Jack is buried until 1901. The Torchwood of that era digs him up and freezes him.
Meanwhile, Gwen and the rest run around Cardiff, trying to fix the damage. When they return to the Hub, Gray is there- and he locks them and John in the Weevil cells. Gray has unleashed the Weevils on the city, but Owen (using his "King of the Weevils" status) is able to control them somewhat. He runs to the nuclear power plant to help stop a meltdown, with Tosh giving him instructions from the Hub. Gray shoots Tosh. She continues to help Owen, not letting him know she is hurt. She realizes that Owen can not get out of the control room in time to save himself. He loses control until Tosh begs him to stop...then he says goodbye (still not knowing that she is hurt). The control room is flooded with radiation, and Owen is presumed killed (or rather, destroyed, as he is already dead).
Jack is released from the cryo-chamber- he knocks Gray out and releases his team. They rush to Tosh, but it is too late to help her. She dies in Jack's arms.
The episode ends with news of the destruction in Cardiff, and the team mourning Tosh and Owen. Jack decides to freeze Gray rather than kill him. John decides to stay on Earth for a while to see why Jack loves it so much. While cleaning out Tosh and Owen's desks, a pre-recorded message from Tosh appears, thanking Jack for all he's done for her, and that she loves Owen (of course, he is not there to hear it), and all of them. Gwen breaks down, as if she can't go on, but Jack says they must.
I don't think I've ever been so heartbroken by a season finale (No, not even Deep Space Nine's Tears of the Prophets!). I went in totally spoiled, so I was prepared, but I still couldn't help crying. Overall, the episode was pretty good, if a bit slow in parts. It was great to have John Hart back, and I'm glad he wasn't really responsible for what happened. That means we'll be seeing James Marsters again for sure! The Cardiff explosions were scary. There was a disturbing lack of Ianto, though he kicked ass in his few scenes. I actually liked Gwen in this episode. She really took control like she knew what she was doing. I also liked having both Rhys and P.C. Andy in on the action. I really didn't think Gray was a good actor, but he looks and sounds enough like John Barrowman to pass. The whole "Jack buried alive for 1800+ years" was a little ridiculous- how could he go through that and not be totally batshit insane? If there is a third series with Jack, they're going to have to deal with it. It was fun to see 1901 Torchwood, though. Nice continuity with Owen as King of the Weevils. The Weevils bowing before him was a bit of needed humor! The whole final conversation between Owen and Tosh was beautifully done, with Owen railing against his fate and Tosh trying to calm him ("you're breaking my heart" was corny, but still made me cry). Fantastic work by Burn Gorman and Naoko Mori. Owen's resignation about his second death was heartbreaking. I completely lost it, though, when Jack found Tosh, and she died in his arms. I loved her final goodbye through the computer. The last shot of the three survivors holding on to each other in the Hub was a fitting end to the season.
I'm going to miss Owen and Tosh so much. I don't know if it will be worth watching next season. I really don't like the rumors of a toned-down Torchwood. What would be the point? I'm pretty sure Tosh is permanently dead, but we didn't really see Owen go, did we? Gorman made some jokes about Owen escaping into the sewers or something, and he repeatedly says he'll be back. But if not, hey, he's going to be working for a long time!
There were a lot of great quotes- this whole Owen/Tosh exchange was so good:
Owen: [can't get out of the room and is about to be vaporised] [hysterical] TOSH! TOSHIKO I CAN'T GET OUT! NOT LIKE THIS!! I'M NOT DYING HERE! Get me out of here Tosh. GET ME OUT OF HERE, I DIED ONCE AND I'M NOT DOING IT AGAIN! Where's Jack? Where's Gwen, Ianto? YOU WANNA WATCH THE DEAD MAN DIE AGAIN?!
Tosh: Owen, just stay calm.
Owen: Why should I do that? Where's the FUN IN THAT! I'm gonna rage my way to oblivion [Yells continuously]
Tosh: [almost whisper] Please stop
Tosh: [crying] Because you're breaking my heart.
Owen: [calms down] Sorry.
Rhys and Andy discuss the sudden disappearance of the Weevils:
"Where've they gone?" "Abergavenny?" Hee!
Sometimes a simple phrase will do- after Ianto and Tosh waste the "monks":
Ianto: "There we are then."
Tosh: "Sorted."
John to the chained up Jack: "Suddenly you're anti-bondage?" Bwaaah.
Jack: The end is where we start from.
A few of the screen caps:
Bang bang, without the Kiss kiss.
"Uh, Jack can't come to the phone right now...he is a bit tied up at the moment."
Cardiff go boom boom. :(
I know little brothers are supposed to be annoying, but burying big brother alive for 1800 years? That's a little much...
I think Owen knew Tosh was hurt. :(
Torchwood 1901 FTW.
Poor, poor Owen.
Poor, poor Tosh. Hasn't she suffered enough? :( At least Jack is with her...
This is where I really lost it- Jack putting away Owen's lab coat:
Oh, yeah. This made me cry, too.
But not as much as this...
"I hope I did good." Yes, honey. You sure did. :(
All that remains...
The end is where we start from...
Well, that's it for season two. I'll do a recap later, plus a recap of season one, now that I've watched the DVDs, including the Torchwood Declassified. I will say there was only one episode I didn't like at all- From Out of the Rain. And even that one had a couple of nice moments.
I was pretty much glued to the tube tonight. I wasn't home last week, so I missed Doctor Who. I watched Season Three's final three episodes, Utopia, The Sound of Drums, and Last of the Time Lords. Wow. That was a fun ride. I'm not ready to call myself a Whovian, but I really enjoyed all three episodes! I also liked the previous episode, Blink. I really need to check out the other two seasons (of new Who). In the U.S., Doctor Who has moved back to the Sci-Fi channel, so they'll probably repeat them. And the library has many videos of old school Who to check out. Just what I needed, a new fandom! Season Four starts here soon.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Law&Order:SVU- Undercover
Wow, that didn't suck. Benson and Fin go undercover at a women's prison to investigate the rape of an inmate's daughter. They find a lot of abuse and cover-ups. It was scary without being exploitative. Poor Benson was almost raped, but at least she got the creep. The guest stars were good. The daughter was heartbreaking with her lack of trust in the police (honestly, I don't blame her). The evil captain was a little bit over the top. Otherwise, a pretty good episode. Maybe I'll stick around for the rest of the season.
Looking forward to the return of House and Lost now...especially since Torchwood finishes this week.
NBC announced recently that next season is the last for ER- to which I say, "What took you guys so long"? It should have died years ago. I only watch it if I'm bored.
Looking forward to the return of House and Lost now...especially since Torchwood finishes this week.
NBC announced recently that next season is the last for ER- to which I say, "What took you guys so long"? It should have died years ago. I only watch it if I'm bored.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Torchwood: Fragments
Once again, a repost from live journal, with a few additions. As always, pics are from The Institute.
Torchwood searches an abandoned building for aliens. Instead, they find explosive devices, which bring the building down all around them. As they wait for rescue (from Gwen and Rhys), Jack, Tosh, Ianto, and Owen look back on how each joined Torchwood.
Jack's story was fun. He is captured by the Torchwood of 1899, who are curious to find out why he can't die, and if he has connections to The Doctor...the reason Queen Victoria set up Torchwood in the first place. The ladies in charge make Jack a free agent...he finds aliens for them. Jack's segment ends in 1999, when another member of Torchwood kills the rest of the team...and leaves Jack in charge.
Tosh's story was sad. She steals plans and builds a device for the bad guys who kidnapped her mother. UNIT barges in and throws her in prison...where Jack finds her and gives her a job in Torchwood, seeing her potential. That brought back the "I saw you" comment he made in Adam. Poor Tosh has suffered too much this series!
Next, Ianto stalks Jack, practically begging him for a job. He helps him subdue a Weevil, brings him coffee, and finally helps him capture the pterodactyl who later resides in the Hub. Jack gives him the job...but Ianto seems despondent. Of course, viewers know his motivation at the beginning was to help his Cyber-ized girlfriend, Lisa. I loved Ianto's segment. He was so desperate and Jack so firmly against him...and the attraction is clearly there from the beginning.
Finally, we get Owen's story...his fiancée, Katie, appears to be suffering from early-onset Alzheimer's...but in reality, there's an alien in her brain. Jack shows up when she dies, and later when Owen visits her grave. Jack shows Owen Torchwood, and tells him he will have an opportunity to save many lives.
At the end, everyone is rescued by Gwen and Rhys (who now knows that Jack can't die!). As they leave, Jack's wristband beeps...a hologram of John Hart appears, telling Jack that he's going to destroy everything he loves. He shows an image of Jack's brother, Gray, as his prisoner. To be continued...
I think this episode explained a lot about the characters, especially Tosh and Owen. Tosh was always a genius with tech, but now we can see the motivation behind it- her desire to prove herself and to repay Jack for her freedom. I know some will disagree with me, but I can understand why Owen was such a prat before. Grief makes people do crazy things, and can totally change their personalities. Losing Katie the way Owen did made him wary of relationships. The gentle, loving person he was before was buried under bitterness...but eventually, the old Owen would come back. There were definitely signs of that in his dealings with Diane last season, and the way he was warming to Tosh, agreeing to a date, etc. Jack's story didn't really reveal much about him, but it did show his awkward relationship with Torchwood. Ianto's story was interesting because he was clearly conflicted about his feelings from the start...relief that he had the job and the means to help Lisa...guilt because he knew Jack was attracted to him, and that he was feeling the same thing. The most fun of the episode- Jack and Ianto catching Myfanwy! Who knew that pterodactyls liked dark chocolate?
Screen caps:


Evil Torchwood Lesbians torture Jack!

Love the sideburns, Jack.

Poor Tosh. Can't she get a break? And that jumpsuit does nothing for her figure!

Coffee, tea, me?


"I've read the manual, Ianto...this is not how to catch a pterodactyl..."

Aw. Poor doomed fiancée. Poor Owen. I liked sweet, tender, loving Owen. Bring him back for Tosh!

Jack introduces Owen to the Hub.

Heeeeeee's back!

A couple of quotes:
Jack: And you are?
Ianto: Jones. Ianto Jones.
Jack: Nice to meet you, Jones,Ianto Jones.
Ianto: (on hunting the pterodactyl) I've got a secret weapon; chocolate, preferably dark.
Torchwood searches an abandoned building for aliens. Instead, they find explosive devices, which bring the building down all around them. As they wait for rescue (from Gwen and Rhys), Jack, Tosh, Ianto, and Owen look back on how each joined Torchwood.
Jack's story was fun. He is captured by the Torchwood of 1899, who are curious to find out why he can't die, and if he has connections to The Doctor...the reason Queen Victoria set up Torchwood in the first place. The ladies in charge make Jack a free agent...he finds aliens for them. Jack's segment ends in 1999, when another member of Torchwood kills the rest of the team...and leaves Jack in charge.
Tosh's story was sad. She steals plans and builds a device for the bad guys who kidnapped her mother. UNIT barges in and throws her in prison...where Jack finds her and gives her a job in Torchwood, seeing her potential. That brought back the "I saw you" comment he made in Adam. Poor Tosh has suffered too much this series!
Next, Ianto stalks Jack, practically begging him for a job. He helps him subdue a Weevil, brings him coffee, and finally helps him capture the pterodactyl who later resides in the Hub. Jack gives him the job...but Ianto seems despondent. Of course, viewers know his motivation at the beginning was to help his Cyber-ized girlfriend, Lisa. I loved Ianto's segment. He was so desperate and Jack so firmly against him...and the attraction is clearly there from the beginning.
Finally, we get Owen's story...his fiancée, Katie, appears to be suffering from early-onset Alzheimer's...but in reality, there's an alien in her brain. Jack shows up when she dies, and later when Owen visits her grave. Jack shows Owen Torchwood, and tells him he will have an opportunity to save many lives.
At the end, everyone is rescued by Gwen and Rhys (who now knows that Jack can't die!). As they leave, Jack's wristband beeps...a hologram of John Hart appears, telling Jack that he's going to destroy everything he loves. He shows an image of Jack's brother, Gray, as his prisoner. To be continued...
I think this episode explained a lot about the characters, especially Tosh and Owen. Tosh was always a genius with tech, but now we can see the motivation behind it- her desire to prove herself and to repay Jack for her freedom. I know some will disagree with me, but I can understand why Owen was such a prat before. Grief makes people do crazy things, and can totally change their personalities. Losing Katie the way Owen did made him wary of relationships. The gentle, loving person he was before was buried under bitterness...but eventually, the old Owen would come back. There were definitely signs of that in his dealings with Diane last season, and the way he was warming to Tosh, agreeing to a date, etc. Jack's story didn't really reveal much about him, but it did show his awkward relationship with Torchwood. Ianto's story was interesting because he was clearly conflicted about his feelings from the start...relief that he had the job and the means to help Lisa...guilt because he knew Jack was attracted to him, and that he was feeling the same thing. The most fun of the episode- Jack and Ianto catching Myfanwy! Who knew that pterodactyls liked dark chocolate?
Screen caps:
Evil Torchwood Lesbians torture Jack!
Love the sideburns, Jack.
Poor Tosh. Can't she get a break? And that jumpsuit does nothing for her figure!
Coffee, tea, me?
"I've read the manual, Ianto...this is not how to catch a pterodactyl..."
Aw. Poor doomed fiancée. Poor Owen. I liked sweet, tender, loving Owen. Bring him back for Tosh!
Jack introduces Owen to the Hub.
Heeeeeee's back!
A couple of quotes:
Jack: And you are?
Ianto: Jones. Ianto Jones.
Jack: Nice to meet you, Jones,Ianto Jones.
Ianto: (on hunting the pterodactyl) I've got a secret weapon; chocolate, preferably dark.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
This sums up my feelings right now...
The latest news I've been reading about Torchwood Series Three is not what I wanted to hear. Still waiting for confirmation, but apparently Martha will replace Owen (that was a given, and I can live with that), and show is going to be made "family friendly"- to which I say bullshit! If all this stuff is true, well guess what? Most of Torchwood's fan base is going to be saying good-bye, myself included. I've it before, I want to watch Torchwood, not Doctor Who 2! The whole reason I liked it was the more adult themes. It was of the Whoniverse but its own unique animal, and I just don't understand why anyone would want to change that. The ratings were great, the actors were well loved by fans (which is why I'm baffled as to why two were axed), it was more successful than Doctor Who in the U.S.! Oh, well. That just leaves me extra time next year to read. At least Who is still good. And Jack will be back. It just won't be the same...sometimes change is a good thing, other times, it can be disastrous.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
A non- science fiction entry for a change!
I missed out on most of Masterpiece Classics recent Complete Jane Austen. I heard mostly bad things about Mansfield Park (Billie Piper as Fanny, are they kidding? Not even the gorgeous James D'Arcy could convince me to sit through that!), so I skipped that one. I missed Persuasion and Northhanger Abbey, and I'd already seen Emma (which I really didn't care for) and the now-classic Pride and Prejudice (really, there is no other Mr. Darcy than Colin Firth!), so I ended up only seeing Sense and Sensibility. I'm glad I caught that one, at least! It was a lovely adaptation, very true to the book, and well cast. It was adapted by Andrew Davies, who did the fantastic Bleak House three years ago (now one of my favorite miniseries ever). I tried not to compare too much with the Ang Lee directed version- but the girl playing Marianne was no Kate Winslet, and I liked Hugh Grant much more as Edward than Dan Stevens (one of those British actors I keep seeing but always forget his name...). For some reason, though, I actually liked David Morrissey (from Blackpool, another favorite series of mine) as Colonel Brandon a little more than Alan Rickman's. Perhaps because he was closer to the right age...Overall, the two-parter was very successful. The sets, costumes, pacing, and script were very well done. I may have to buy the DVD! I hope Persuasion and Northhanger Abbey are repeated.
I mentioned Bleak House...I recently re-watched that one. I'll write about it later.
One quibble about the new format of Masterpiece (formerly Masterpiece Theater)- I'm not so sure about Gillian Anderson as host. She's a wonderful actress, but as a presenter she seemed very stiff. Of course, I did only see her intros for S&S. And I don't like the re-vamped theme!
Also, they seem to have remade A Room With A View. I'm not sure I can accept anyone other than Helena Bonham Carter as Lucy! I'll check it out when it airs, though. It's become one of my favorite books.
I mentioned Bleak House...I recently re-watched that one. I'll write about it later.
One quibble about the new format of Masterpiece (formerly Masterpiece Theater)- I'm not so sure about Gillian Anderson as host. She's a wonderful actress, but as a presenter she seemed very stiff. Of course, I did only see her intros for S&S. And I don't like the re-vamped theme!
Also, they seem to have remade A Room With A View. I'm not sure I can accept anyone other than Helena Bonham Carter as Lucy! I'll check it out when it airs, though. It's become one of my favorite books.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Torchwood: Adrift
Largely a repost from my live journal entry...with added pictures.
Oh, wow. That one made me cry.
Gwen really gets a wake up call to the darker side of Torchwood in this episode. A boy goes missing, and her former partner, P.C. Andy, tries to get her help, believing that Torchwood is somehow responsible. With Tosh's help, she figures out that the Rift is responsible for many disappearances over the last decade. Jack tries to put a stop to her inquiries, but Ianto gives her the location of a "hospital" where the few returnees are cared for. Gwen finds the boy, aged and horribly injured. She reunites the boy with his mum. He's so changed that the reunion utterly destroys the mother. Gwen gives up her searches for the missing, now that she knows the truth. She goes home and breaks down in Rhys's arms.
That was just so sad. Unbearable, even. I admit to not being a huge Gwen fan, but this was a good episode for her. She had to learn a hard lesson, that Torchwood can't always make things right when it comes to aliens. Other good points: The return of P.C. Andy! Always good to see him. Tosh and Gwen make a pretty good team, researching the missing people from the Rift. Rhys once again shows he's a good man- first by making Gwen see that it's not always about her (Damn right!) and later by being there when she completely breaks down. The casting was really good- Ruth Jones as the mother and Robert Pugh as the aged Jonah. That's the one consistent thing about Torchwood this season- the guest stars have been almost all perfect.
Oh, yeah, the one happy spot in the episode- Gwen walking in on Jack and Ianto, half naked and getting it on in the hothouse. Guh. Guh. Guh. Did I mention, GUH???

This will probably be the most re-watched scene in the history of the show...
Good quotes:
Jack: We could have used you an hour ago for Naked Hide-and-Seek.
Ianto: He cheats. He always cheats.
Seriously, that was one of the better episodes the show has done. Definitely made up for From Out of the Rain.
A couple of extra pictures from The Institute:
Aw. I love Ianto's "hand caught in the biscuit tin" face. Also the fact that Jack didn't bother to do up his trousers even with Gwen present...naughty boys!

P.C. Andy appears!

Rhys comforts Gwen. I still think she doesn't deserve him! He sure puts up with a lot of stuff...

Redscharlach at live journal has come up with even more great icons- including one based on the hot house scene in Adrift. Also, the whale from Meat, and one from Adam. Her icons are just the best...

Well, I have already seen Exit Wounds, the finale. I'm a very sad fangirl today. But I'll wait to post my review (and of Fragments) until after it airs on BBC America. With all the rumors surrounding the third series, I'm not sure I'll be watching. I really don't want it to turn into a kiddie show.
Oh, wow. That one made me cry.
Gwen really gets a wake up call to the darker side of Torchwood in this episode. A boy goes missing, and her former partner, P.C. Andy, tries to get her help, believing that Torchwood is somehow responsible. With Tosh's help, she figures out that the Rift is responsible for many disappearances over the last decade. Jack tries to put a stop to her inquiries, but Ianto gives her the location of a "hospital" where the few returnees are cared for. Gwen finds the boy, aged and horribly injured. She reunites the boy with his mum. He's so changed that the reunion utterly destroys the mother. Gwen gives up her searches for the missing, now that she knows the truth. She goes home and breaks down in Rhys's arms.
That was just so sad. Unbearable, even. I admit to not being a huge Gwen fan, but this was a good episode for her. She had to learn a hard lesson, that Torchwood can't always make things right when it comes to aliens. Other good points: The return of P.C. Andy! Always good to see him. Tosh and Gwen make a pretty good team, researching the missing people from the Rift. Rhys once again shows he's a good man- first by making Gwen see that it's not always about her (Damn right!) and later by being there when she completely breaks down. The casting was really good- Ruth Jones as the mother and Robert Pugh as the aged Jonah. That's the one consistent thing about Torchwood this season- the guest stars have been almost all perfect.
Oh, yeah, the one happy spot in the episode- Gwen walking in on Jack and Ianto, half naked and getting it on in the hothouse. Guh. Guh. Guh. Did I mention, GUH???
This will probably be the most re-watched scene in the history of the show...
Good quotes:
Jack: We could have used you an hour ago for Naked Hide-and-Seek.
Ianto: He cheats. He always cheats.
- Gwen: [As Jack walks away] So is that it, then? We just sweep it under the carpet?
- Owen: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. (holds up his permanently broken hand)
- Gwen: Well, bollocks to serenity!
- Owen: For a lovely girl you've got a very dirty mouth.
- (like he should talk...:p)
Seriously, that was one of the better episodes the show has done. Definitely made up for From Out of the Rain.
A couple of extra pictures from The Institute:
Aw. I love Ianto's "hand caught in the biscuit tin" face. Also the fact that Jack didn't bother to do up his trousers even with Gwen present...naughty boys!
P.C. Andy appears!
Rhys comforts Gwen. I still think she doesn't deserve him! He sure puts up with a lot of stuff...
Redscharlach at live journal has come up with even more great icons- including one based on the hot house scene in Adrift. Also, the whale from Meat, and one from Adam. Her icons are just the best...
Well, I have already seen Exit Wounds, the finale. I'm a very sad fangirl today. But I'll wait to post my review (and of Fragments) until after it airs on BBC America. With all the rumors surrounding the third series, I'm not sure I'll be watching. I really don't want it to turn into a kiddie show.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Torchwood: From Out of the Rain
Ugh. I really didn't like this episode much. Too heavy on atmosphere, too light on plot and characters. Freaky traveling show folk step off of the screen, and steal "the last breaths" of innocent people. That's about it. The only interesting thing was a small tidbit about Jack's past- he was once part of a traveling show (an undercover operation) as "the man who can't die". Also, there is some nice Ianto backstory- he loves movies, and he loved going to shows with his dad. Not important, but it was nice to see him so enthusiastic about something!
A couple of memorable quotes/scenes:
Pics from The Institute:
Happy Ianto, bored Owen and Gwen at the Electro opening:

But wait! Who's that on the screen? Nice outfit.

The next two episodes, Adrift and Fragments, are much better. I am dreading Exit Wounds, though. The rumors are true. I'm not sure I'm going to watch next season...:(
A couple of memorable quotes/scenes:
- Owen: That is you. Right, now I've seen everything.
- Ianto: Told you.
- Gwen: You did stand up?
- Jack: I never did stand up.
- Gwen: Okay then - a song and dance
- Jack: I was sen-sa-tion-al.
- Tosh: I don't believe this Jack, what were you doing there?
- Owen: He's part of this freak show.
- Jack: Some things never change.
- Owen: You being rude about me?
Pics from The Institute:
Happy Ianto, bored Owen and Gwen at the Electro opening:
But wait! Who's that on the screen? Nice outfit.
The next two episodes, Adrift and Fragments, are much better. I am dreading Exit Wounds, though. The rumors are true. I'm not sure I'm going to watch next season...:(
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Torchwood: Something Borrowed
Well, I totally missed Lost last week. My church's Maundy Thursday service was late, and I didn't get home in time to watch. Oh, well, church is more important, and Lost will repeat.
But I do have a quick review of Something Borrowed, a fun Torchwood episode.
On the eve of her wedding to Rhys, Gwen gets impregnated by a shape shifting alien. Apparently, these creatures use a host to carry their babies...and mama is out to get Gwen. Lots of good stuff in this episode: Ianto dress shopping for Gwen (who obviously needed a bigger gown!), Tosh fighting off the attentions of the obnoxious best man (and getting stuck in the alien's web with him), Jack mistaking Rhys's mum for the alien ("Get away from her, you fat ugly bitch!"), Rhys decking the mistaken Jack for insulting his mum. The "delivery" of the baby in a stable was a little silly, but it was great to have Rhys do the honors. I especially loved Rhys going after the alien with a chainsaw, only to have it die on him, leading to the best use of the word "Fuck" this series has done yet! Once the alien is dead, the wedding goes on as planned. Of course, during the reception, all of the family and guests get retconned. I hope this episode kills Jack/Gwen once and for all- though their dance at the reception was cute. But it was better when Ianto cut in...
This was a nice bit of fun after the gloomy Owen-centered three parter. I did like that the writers haven't ignored the fact that he's still, well, dead!
A few cute pictures from my usual source...
Ianto goes dress-shopping for Gwen, because she obviously needed a bigger gown...

Rhys's best man may have wanted to get Tosh into bed...but I doubt this is what he had in mind...tricky shapeshifters!

Rhys and Gwen go ahead with their wedding...with Gwen carrying the latest in bridal accessories- a bouquet-covered gun!

Rhys goes Evil Dead on the shapeshifter impersonating his mother.

The Torchies cheer on the bride and groom!

And my favorite scene of the episode...awwwww.

Great lines:
Jack: What's is it with you? Ever since Owen died, all you've done is agree with him!
Ianto: I was brought up not to speak ill of the dead. Even if they do still do most of their talking for themselves.
Owen: You ever seen a dead man dance?
But I do have a quick review of Something Borrowed, a fun Torchwood episode.
On the eve of her wedding to Rhys, Gwen gets impregnated by a shape shifting alien. Apparently, these creatures use a host to carry their babies...and mama is out to get Gwen. Lots of good stuff in this episode: Ianto dress shopping for Gwen (who obviously needed a bigger gown!), Tosh fighting off the attentions of the obnoxious best man (and getting stuck in the alien's web with him), Jack mistaking Rhys's mum for the alien ("Get away from her, you fat ugly bitch!"), Rhys decking the mistaken Jack for insulting his mum. The "delivery" of the baby in a stable was a little silly, but it was great to have Rhys do the honors. I especially loved Rhys going after the alien with a chainsaw, only to have it die on him, leading to the best use of the word "Fuck" this series has done yet! Once the alien is dead, the wedding goes on as planned. Of course, during the reception, all of the family and guests get retconned. I hope this episode kills Jack/Gwen once and for all- though their dance at the reception was cute. But it was better when Ianto cut in...
This was a nice bit of fun after the gloomy Owen-centered three parter. I did like that the writers haven't ignored the fact that he's still, well, dead!
A few cute pictures from my usual source...
Ianto goes dress-shopping for Gwen, because she obviously needed a bigger gown...
Rhys's best man may have wanted to get Tosh into bed...but I doubt this is what he had in mind...tricky shapeshifters!
Rhys and Gwen go ahead with their wedding...with Gwen carrying the latest in bridal accessories- a bouquet-covered gun!
Rhys goes Evil Dead on the shapeshifter impersonating his mother.
The Torchies cheer on the bride and groom!
And my favorite scene of the episode...awwwww.
Great lines:
Jack: What's is it with you? Ever since Owen died, all you've done is agree with him!
Ianto: I was brought up not to speak ill of the dead. Even if they do still do most of their talking for themselves.
Owen: You ever seen a dead man dance?
(Rhys punches Jack in the face)
Rhys: That's for calling my mam an ugly bitch!
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