Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Reviews in this blog are considered especially heinous!

Law and Order: SVU- "Cold"

Ugh! What was that? That was a season finale? It should have been a series finale, if that's the best they can do!

So, Det. Lake investigates a cold case involving a rape/murder committed by cops. He shoots one of the cops dead, is shot himself, goes on the run. The other bad cop is caught and put on trial, and Casey withholds evidence in the trial. Mistrial declared, bad cop gets off, Lake kills bad cop, Casey is suspended. That's it. Couldn't they have been more original?

Other oddities- Fin calling Stabler a rat bastard? What the heck? Hardly a peep out of Benson tonight. She was the lucky one.

I hate Judge Donnelly. Poor Casey. Her career is over.

Lake, however, I never cared for. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out, Chester!

Only bright spot last night- Munch had more than a few lines. There's not enough of Munch on the show anymore.

Is this really going to be back next season? There had better be some improvements, or they really should cancel it.

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