I finally watched my tape of Doctor Who- Partners in Crime last week, and watched Planet of the Ood on Friday. Partners was cute- sort of. A new diet drug called Adipose promises to make fat walk away...and it literally does! The "drugs" are actually seeds, and human fat turns them into little aliens- the Adipose. They're absolutely adorable. The catch is, they can be programed to eat away at the entire body, not just fat, which leaves nothing left of the pill taker! The director of the diet drug company is actually a nanny to these little guys...and she means to make millions of them. It's up to the Doctor and his new Companion, Donna Noble, to stop her. There's a surprise at the end- the crowd of people watching the Adipose leave includes Rose- a previous Companion stuck on a parallel world (and pretty much dead to our Earth)! Wonder how that is going to be explained...
Aw, those Adipose were so cute. Too bad they could be deadly.

Cute quote:
[incredulously, as they wave to the massed levitating Adipose] We're waving at
Planet of the Ood was a little more somber. The Doctor and Donna land on the planet, where humans of the 42nd Century are breeding and using the Ood as slaves. A bit heavy on the SLAVERY IS BAD! BAD!! message (we know! we know!), but the Ood are interesting.
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