Sunday, March 23, 2008

Torchwood: Something Borrowed

Well, I totally missed Lost last week. My church's Maundy Thursday service was late, and I didn't get home in time to watch. Oh, well, church is more important, and Lost will repeat.

But I do have a quick review of Something Borrowed, a fun Torchwood episode.

On the eve of her wedding to Rhys, Gwen gets impregnated by a shape shifting alien. Apparently, these creatures use a host to carry their babies...and mama is out to get Gwen. Lots of good stuff in this episode: Ianto dress shopping for Gwen (who obviously needed a bigger gown!), Tosh fighting off the attentions of the obnoxious best man (and getting stuck in the alien's web with him), Jack mistaking Rhys's mum for the alien ("Get away from her, you fat ugly bitch!"), Rhys decking the mistaken Jack for insulting his mum. The "delivery" of the baby in a stable was a little silly, but it was great to have Rhys do the honors. I especially loved Rhys going after the alien with a chainsaw, only to have it die on him, leading to the best use of the word "Fuck" this series has done yet! Once the alien is dead, the wedding goes on as planned. Of course, during the reception, all of the family and guests get retconned. I hope this episode kills Jack/Gwen once and for all- though their dance at the reception was cute. But it was better when Ianto cut in...

This was a nice bit of fun after the gloomy Owen-centered three parter. I did like that the writers haven't ignored the fact that he's still, well, dead!

A few cute pictures from my usual source...

Ianto goes dress-shopping for Gwen, because she obviously needed a bigger gown...

Rhys's best man may have wanted to get Tosh into bed...but I doubt this is what he had in mind...tricky shapeshifters!

Rhys and Gwen go ahead with their wedding...with Gwen carrying the latest in bridal accessories- a bouquet-covered gun!

Rhys goes Evil Dead on the shapeshifter impersonating his mother.

The Torchies cheer on the bride and groom!

And my favorite scene of the episode...awwwww.

Great lines:
Jack: What's is it with you? Ever since Owen died, all you've done is agree with him!
: I was brought up not to speak ill of the dead. Even if they do still do most of their talking for themselves.

Owen: You ever seen a dead man dance?

(Rhys punches Jack in the face)
: That's for calling my mam an ugly bitch!

(GO, Rhys!!)

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