From Kyle wants to move on with his relationship with Grace and the two of them disappear altogether, so rehearsals for the finals of the North West Choral competition are delayed. Michael and Esther remember what they miss about their life together thanks to this crisis. However, Layla will not allow Michael to go without fighting for him. On the day of the competition, feelings escalate and Esther faces a terrible choice.
Also, Layla reveals Jake's alcoholism to the rest of the church, and the nasty Tonkses try to have him removed. It's put up to a secret ballot among the church committee members, including Esther and Layla.
Oh, Jake was amazing. I just love him. He broke my heart when he described the death of his friend- that was the big secret of his past, that he was responsible (along with Layla). And wow, Layla actually did something selfless for a change! If there is a second series, Jake needs to find out she was the one who cast the deciding vote to keep him as curate. It would be nice to see them reconcile. I almost felt bad for Layla when Michael left her. Almost.
I loved the kiss between Jake and Esther, after he gives his real reason for wanting to stay (her). And the hilarious girly-man fight between Jake and Michael after. I laughed out loud. "Owwwwwww?"
It was cute how Michael changed his choir's performance piece to "Nobody Does it Better"- the same song Esther had them sing for their anniversary in episode one. Cute, but an obvious attempt to win her back. Which failed, though she appreciated the sentiment.
I liked Esther walking out on her choir when they started booing Michael's. I would have done the same! That wasn't what the choir was supposed to be about.
And how cute were Kyle and Grace? I think they're a little young to get married, but if anyone can make it work, they can.
All the sympathy I had for Ethel Tonks evaporated in this episode. She and Gilbert were awful! "Darth and Mrs. Vader", indeed. I have a hard time understanding why they are so anti-Jake. It has nothing to do with his past (Ethel did look somewhat moved when Jake told his story). They're just stubborn.
I bet Louise voted to keep Jake. :p She's stood up to Ethel before, and it was a secret ballot, so why not?
*sniffles* I wasn't 100% satisfied with the ending. There has to be a second series! I hope if there is a second series, Esther will eventually choose Jake. Michael finally grew up, but it's time for both to move on. Too much has happened for things to go back to the way they were.
Cute screen captures:
Brother and sister reconciling? Jake and Layla talk things over...
The reason he wants to stay...SNOG!
I really enjoyed this show. And not just because of Bryan Dick (though he was the reason I started watching). The music was fun. The story was a little bit far-fetched, but that's okay. It's not real life!
Great screen caps!
What a lovely kiss! Thanks for the cap. And the girly fight was too funny... but maybe that's the way real people fight? It rang true for me anyway. I kept forgetting how awful Layla has been in this ep and felt sorry for the way Michael has messed her around. I want to slap him and truly hope Esther doesn't end up taking him back if there's a 2nd. series.
(Followed your link from the Bryan Dick comm. on LJ. Like you I have blogs on both LJ and Blogspot.)
Something is wrong with my DVD burner. I'm not so sure I can make the DVDs now. I'll keep trying...
Uh oh. I hope your DVD burner works.
I'm still working on it. The only success I've had is a DVD only playable on a computer with Windows Media Player. *rolls eyes* And only one episode at a time.
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