Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Another one bites the dust.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Really, FOX? An episode with a subplot about the movie Avatar? That was the LAMEST excuse for product placement I have ever seen. It's almost enough to turn me off of the show.
The "A" plot was just as lame, and so was the reason for the killing. And that beginning (the corpse in the grease falls apart) was just gross! Too gross, even for this show. It was funny, though. I loved Dr. Saroyan's comments on how easy it is to stay on a diet at her job...
Only other bonus- it was nice to see Hodgins and Sweets bonding a bit.
House- Wilson. From tv.com: Wilson insists on treating the case of a friend and former patient, Tucker, who is suffering from paralysis of his right arm. However, he soon discovers that he can't separate his feelings from his professional attitude. Meanwhile, Cuddy tries to buy a new house.
Oh, House. Once again, after a couple of lackluster episodes that almost made me stop watching, you come back with one that just punches me in the heart! The Patient of the Week (Joshua Malina, formerly of Sports Night and The West Wing) is yet another asshole I can't care about...except this time it affects Wilson. It's really hard to watch Wilson be unable to treat his patient objectively (especially when he decides to donate part of his liver to him!). The best part, as usual, is the House/Wilson stuff. When Wilson says he wants to go through with the liver donation, House tries to stop him by saying: "If you die, I'm alone." Sob!
The whole House/Cuddy thing is getting on my nerves. House needs to drop it. I can't believe Wilson is starting to help him try to split up Cuddy and her new boyfriend! Please, writers, that crap is better suited for Grey's Anatomy or Mercy. *gags*
Good bit of dialog from the episode- fine example of House/Wilson banter:
House: He's a self-important jerk.
Dr. Wilson: He's my friend.
House: He's a self-important jerk.
Dr. Wilson: Seems to be what I'm attracted to.
Friday, November 13, 2009
A great T.V. writer gone...
The funeral scene:
He also wrote for Rhoda, Cheers, and Fraiser.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Okay, SVU is getting interesting again.
That was actually a good episode. Stabler family drama that didn't make me want to puke for a change! Two good stories in one- Stabler's son goes missing while trying to find his friend, Alex nearly throws away a rape case to save her own ass.
Monday, November 2, 2009
World Series means...
V premieres tomorrow on ABC. I'm going to watch. SyFy (or whatever the hell they're calling themselves now) ran a marathon of the original miniseries yesterday. I missed it, but I do still have battered VHS copies to watch- if I ever have time.
Also, I'm rewatching the BBC series Blackpool. It's been a while. It's good stuff.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
House- "Brave Heart"
The second half of the synopsis is misleading. :p House thinks he's hallucinating again because he hears whispering. It turns out to be Wilson, who "talks" to Amber before he goes to sleep. That's the best part of this episode, which gives viewers great House/Wilson moments.
House-the-jerk reappears for a bit as he tries to avoid doing rounds to get his medical license back. He annoys Cuddy, and she worries about him.
Patient of the Week- he was a bit of a jerk, but the case was interesting and led to a big shocker moment- he is thought to be dead, but jumps up screaming as Foreman starts the autopsy. It was a scary, funny, and sad scene all at once!
Chase is really losing it after the dictator disaster, and Cameron begins to notice. I think this marriage is going down the tubes fast!
Very good episode. The House/Wilson stuff put it over the top. Poor, poor Wilson. He still misses Amber.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
House just sort of flew by me this week. And I missed the last 15 minutes of Bones tonight. Where has my brain gone?
I spent most of the afternoon watching the coverage of "Balloon Boy"- a kid from Fort Collins, Colorado (where I went to college) supposedly got caught in his dad's homemade helium weather balloon and flew around for a couple of hours. Turns out he was hiding in his home's attic all along. *rolls eyes* Another day spent by the news networks on a story that really was meaningless...when there was so much else going on today. Oh, well.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Misc. notes- House and Bones
Once again, this is an episode where the case isn't anywhere near as interesting as House interacting with Wilson and Cuddy, who are driven nuts by his "new ways".
This week's- The Tyrant: House's team struggles with an African politician (James Earl Jones) who falls ill and decide if they want to help him after he's charged for crimes against humanity in his country. (TV.com)
Great episode with the always great James Earl Jones as an evil dictator. House is still on the sidelines, observing but offering advice. Foreman and Chase butt heads on the dictator's treatment, and Cameron struggles with her conscience.
Oh, my God. I can't believe that ending. Chase actually tricked Foreman into the wrong treatment, resulting in the death of Evil Dictator! This is going to change a lot...I know Cameron is leaving, so does that mean Chase's actions drive her away?
I just watched a repeat of a Bones episode where Bones and Booth are undercover at a circus. All I could think of during the circus scenes was the 30's movie Freaks- the wedding dinner scene: "We accept her! One of us! Gobble gobble! One of us!" Somehow, Bones fit right in...
Last week's episode, The Plain in the Prodigy, was sad. An Amish teen's remains are found near a railroad track, and the team investigates how his persuit of playing music (forbidden by the Amish) may have led to his death. This one isn't murder for a change- it's an accident resulting from a robbery.
Still thinking "Ew! Ew! Ew!" about the second episode of the season- The Bond in the Boot. Great story about a murdered CIA analyst and a dead Russian (possibly a spy). And it had the most icky but hilarious beginnings the show's ever done- with Mr. Russia's corpse becoming an all-you-can-eat buffet for a colony of feral cats. "Why are those cats staring at us?!"
Friday, September 25, 2009
House: Broken
"House Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"! Terrific and very different start to the sixth season. It's all House in the mental hospital, butting heads with his doctor (Andre Braugher).
House really begins to understand that he needs help, that he needs to change. By the end, he's not only Vicodin-free, he's a bit more open and trusting. He also falls in love with a patient's relative (Franke Potente). Of course, that doesn't end well, but House leaves the hospital a different person.
I wonder how long this "new" House will last...It would really suck if he just suddenly went back to his obnoxious, Vicodin-popping self. This is a great opportunity for the show to grow- House exploring his new self. I don't believe for a minute that he'll be cheerful and friendly, but I'm sure he'll be a little more trusting of his fellow doctors- for a while, anyway.
I'm sure this version of Dr. House isn't gone forever:
Other television stuff- I've been watching Bones, which is very loosely based on the novels of Kathy Reichs. The show is a lot of fun, but often very, very gross!
I only half-watched the premiere of Law and Order: SVU. I guess I really don't care any more!
I've also been watching The Jay Leno Show- not every night, and only parts on the nights I do watch. It's really the same old stuff so far. A bit wobbly. But I'm glad to see Jay on the tube. I'm still not used to Conan O'Brien on the Tonight Show.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Fall T.V.!
Law and Order: SVU is moving to Wednesday...the night I have choir practice. This will be a problem come January and the return of Lost!
I have mixed feelings about the re-imagination of V- the fantastic five part miniseries (and the lame weekly series that followed) that aired on NBC in 1983 and 1984. All five parts of the original were great fun and scary, and the story was so good. V was my first non-Star Trek/Star Wars fandom. I still have the novelization and spin-off novels somewhere. The new show looks slick and entertaining, with better visual and make-up effects, but many of the ideas that made the original unique just don't seem to be there. I'll probably watch just for the heck of it, to see if it's good in its own right.
I would really rather have a miniseries that picks up where The Final Battle left off, disregarding the messy and often silly series that followed. It would be great to have the original cast back, 25 years after the Visitors were supposedly defeated!
I have the original minis on VHS. I think I'm going to re-watch them soon!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
It was a great story until the end. The 456 wanted the kids because they were recreational drugs? That's just sort of lame. I thought they would be like cannon fodder or something!
The kids stopping dead and chanting in unison was genuinely creepy. Well done.
THE HUB GOT BLOWN UP!!! Guess that was the end of Myfawny the pterodactyl. :( The bombing led to the most gruesome of all of Jack's deaths and resurrections. Ugh.
So Jack has a daughter and a grandson, Gwen is pregnant, and Ianto has a sister and niece and nephew. Kids were very important in this!
How cool was Ianto in this? I loved how he rescued Jack from his concrete tomb/cell! I am an unabashed Jack/Ianto fan, so of course I cried when Ianto died. He died for no reason! :( I'll miss him. I wish Jack had actually responded when Ianto said "I love you".
Jack sacrifices his own grandson to save the world. Oh, man. If he wasn't fucked up already, now he's beyond help. So off he goes into the universe by himself.
Now that we know there will be a fourth series...where do they go from here? No Hub, no Ianto, Jack gone again...all that's left is Gwen!
I liked Lois. She'd be a good addition to whatever form Torchwood takes in the future!
Funny exchange:
Jack: Ianto! We're having a baby.
Ianto: Congratulations. Is now a good time to tell you I lost the car?
Jack: You did what?!
Just my initial reaction. I honestly felt it was good television, not just good Torchwood. It was excellent storytelling (despite a few plot holes), very nicely done human drama, lots of exciting stuff.
I'll miss Gareth David-Lloyd. The show's producers really knew how to make the fans hurt. Poor Ianto. :(
I liked Ianto's sister, Rhiannon, and Jack's daughter, Alice. Sadly, we'll probably never see either again. Alice would love to kill her dad...but of course, he's still immortal.
One of my favorite parts was Ianto describing his relationship with Jack- "It's not men, it's just him. Only him."
Other goodies- Naked Jack! Of course, BBC America censored John Barrowman's butt...but all was restored on the DVD. *evil grin*
Just a few screen captures I did: Blown up Hub, dead Ianto, grieving Jack and Gwen, Jack leaves.
Ianto: In a thousand years time, you won't remember me.
Jack: Yes I will. I promise, I will.
There will be another season, but it will be a long time before it happens- Barrowman is busy on the West End (currently doing La Cage Aux Folles), and Eve Myles is having a baby (due very soon, IIRC). Life imitating art there!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
More youtube goodies.
It had a great cast- Jane Seymour, Denis Lawson, Juliet Stevenson, Richard Armitage, Burn Gorman and Bryan Dick (oh, of course. The reason I watched it.). It was worth watching for the cast! It was a "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" for British actors.
The plot- Seymour is the mother of several adopted children. She is murdered, son Gorman is tried, convicted and hanged. His alibi shows up two years later, proving his innocence- and the suspicion shifts to the other children, the father, his secretary-turned fiancée, and the housekeeper. Plot is the same as the book, despite the addition of Miss Marple and an extra son who wasn't in the novel. Also, the later victims change, but at least the killer was the same.
I liked the book a great deal- I can see why it was one of Christie's personal favorites. They could have made an adaptation without Miss Marple!
Just one cute screencap of Bryan Dick as Mickey...love the red hair!
I still miss this show...
Even though I own the entire series on DVD, I've found myself watching clips from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine on youtube recently. It's been over for ten years now (that long? Jeez...), but I still remember pretty much every episode that ever aired.
Today I'm watching clips centered around Dr. Bashir (Alexander Siddig) and Garak (Andrew J. Robinson). Some of the best writing the show had was written for those two! And Garak almost always had the best lines: "You should never tell the same lie twice".
Next time I go clip hunting, I'll explore Bashir and O'Brien- Trek's best friendship next to Kirk/Spock/McCoy; Quark and Odo; and Kira (my favorite character on the show). I'll probably start watching the DVDs again, starting with the premiere, "Emissary".
Friday, August 28, 2009
Goodbye, Reading Rainbow.
This truly sucks. Reading Rainbow is going off the air after 26 years. :(
My mom used to be a children's librarian, and she always loved this show. There aren't enough shows that encourage kids to enjoy reading.
Thanks, LeVar Burton, for bringing our kids this show! I was too old for it, of course, but I enjoyed watching tapes with my mom for her library work. My nephew always liked the show when he was little, too.
T.V. for kids is turning into crap. What's next, are they going to cancel Sesame Street? :(
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Well, another part of my childhood is gone...
Lye played the Coach, Barth the burger chef, and Ross the show's director, among other roles. The kids came and went, but he was there to the end.
Part of one show... there are a lot of clips on you tube. I'm pretty sure I have some on VHS...
*pours green slime on post in tribute* RIP, Les, and thanks for being a part of my childhood memories!
Friday, July 17, 2009
A sad but not unexpected piece of news...
No doubt his most famous moments at CBS came with the announcement of President Kennedy's death:
...and his unrestrained glee about the moon landing, 40 years ago yesterday.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
My God, they are dropping like flies.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Of course, this is like Elvis dying...at least for my generation. There probably won't be another entertainer like him again.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
A new Angel in Heaven...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Well, phooey.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Criminal Intent: Family Values
I don't think it's Christian-bashing either. Just a nut job using his religion as an excuse to commit "family annihilation".
Other news- I suppose it's official- no second series for All the Small Things. *cries* Fans are sending petitions, but it won't do any good. :( BBC doesn't care about fans, apparently.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Ah, You Tube!
Part one here:
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Seriously, NBC?
No wonder they're in last place. :p
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Law and Order miscellaneous...
I'm enjoying Criminal Intent, though the stories often get repetitive. Nichols is a bit too much like Goren...with one exception: He has a sense of humor. I'm hoping that Jeff Goldblum sticks around!
There's really not much else on that I'm interested in right now. That will change later this month when Doctor Who and Torchwood return!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Well, the Leno era...
It's not really goodbye, though- he will have his nightly prime time show in the fall, and he'll take along his Headline and Jaywalking segments.
I look forward to the Conan era of The Tonight Show! I so rarely got to stay up late to watch him. It will be nice to have him on at a reasonable hour (when I'm not watching David Letterman).
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Latest All the Small Things rumor...
Other stuff: The Doctor Who specials and Torchwood will start airing on BBC America in late June. At least I have something to look forward to this summer on the tube!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Television history.
It is absolutely fascinating to watch the newsmen scramble to get facts straight and the obvious trouble in getting linked up with Dallas affiliates. In this day of instant, 24-7 cable news coverage of any event, viewers forget how hard it was to get information across in "the old days".
When I say uncut, I'm not kidding. The CBS footage has parts of an episode of As the World Turns and commercials, and ABC has a rerun of Father Knows Best. It's hard to imagine being a housewife back then, watching her favorite soap opera only to have it be interrupted by this tragic news.
Here's a link to the NBC playlist:
I've found similar uncut news footage from September 11, 2001 and the Challenger disaster of 1986.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
So, another season of my shows is over...
Lost was amazing last week, and I can't wait for the final season starting in 2010. All the time travel stuff makes more sense...and the final reveal about John Locke was even more surprising than last season! Apparently, he's really dead after all. :( He's been duplicated by an imposter, who is out to get the mysterious Jacob, whom we finally meet. The Losties, most stuck in 1977, decide to set off the nuke (from the episode Jughead) to blow up the Swan station, and possibly resetting events so the plane crash will never happen in the first place! (everybody got all that?) Cliffhangers abound. What will fake-Locke do to the 2004 Losties? What will Jacob's death mean for the remaining "Others"? When Juliet set off the bomb (most likely vaporizing herself in the process :p ), did she change history? We have to wait until next January to find out!
24's finale surprisingly didn't suck. I even liked Kim here- she shows some guts and smarts and helps catch Tony and the big bad guys. There is a final confrontation between Jack and Tony...and they don't kill each other! Turns out Tony was screwing both good and evil sides- he only wanted to get to the big bad guys' leader to avenge the death of his wife Michelle (killed in Day Five). Selfish bastard! :p Well, Jack stopped that, and now the two are eternal enemies instead of the BFFs they were. :( The season ends with Jack in a coma, with Kim at his side...of course, she's going to donate her stem cells for his treatment. Jack has to be alive for Day Eight! Overall, Day Seven was very uneven...but was WAY better than Day Six.
Friday, May 15, 2009
A new Countdown feature I like...
Lost was awesome on Wednesday. I'm still trying to process what happened! I'll write a review later, but damn! It's going to be a long wait until January...
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
House and 24, May 11
From tv.com: House takes on a case of a patient with two different personalities as a result of having the left and right part of the brain operating independently.
I'm a bit confused...but once again, a lot of this takes place in House's head. The whole part about the detox/sleeping with Cuddy apparently didn't happen at all! So I'm not entirely sure how much of the case of the week (which was interesting) actually happened! The ending is poignant. House realizes his drug use is causing psychosis (he's hallucinating Kutner as well as Amber now), and has Wilson drop him off at a mental hospital. And as that happens, Chase and Cameron tie the knot. Not bad for a season finale. I just hope House's issues aren't solved in the first episode of next season!
24- 5:00 a.m.- 6:00 a.m.
Jack catches up with Tony and beats the crap out of him in hopes of getting the terrorist target out of him. Tony pretty much tells Jack to kill him. Fortunately for Tony, the target is discovered and the biobomb taken out JUST IN TIME. :p Well, that should be the end of the day, right? Noooooooo. The big bad guys kidnap Kim! The ransom? Jack has to help Tony escape. I almost want to skip the two hour finale next week. Overall, the season was better than Day Six. But a bad finale will push it into major suckitude!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Criminal Intent...
Oh, Wheeler is pregnant. By that jackass who is now in a federal prison. That is going to be interesting...
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
All the Small Things, final episode.
From tv.com: Kyle wants to move on with his relationship with Grace and the two of them disappear altogether, so rehearsals for the finals of the North West Choral competition are delayed. Michael and Esther remember what they miss about their life together thanks to this crisis. However, Layla will not allow Michael to go without fighting for him. On the day of the competition, feelings escalate and Esther faces a terrible choice.
Also, Layla reveals Jake's alcoholism to the rest of the church, and the nasty Tonkses try to have him removed. It's put up to a secret ballot among the church committee members, including Esther and Layla.
Oh, Jake was amazing. I just love him. He broke my heart when he described the death of his friend- that was the big secret of his past, that he was responsible (along with Layla). And wow, Layla actually did something selfless for a change! If there is a second series, Jake needs to find out she was the one who cast the deciding vote to keep him as curate. It would be nice to see them reconcile. I almost felt bad for Layla when Michael left her. Almost.
I loved the kiss between Jake and Esther, after he gives his real reason for wanting to stay (her). And the hilarious girly-man fight between Jake and Michael after. I laughed out loud. "Owwwwwww?"
It was cute how Michael changed his choir's performance piece to "Nobody Does it Better"- the same song Esther had them sing for their anniversary in episode one. Cute, but an obvious attempt to win her back. Which failed, though she appreciated the sentiment.
I liked Esther walking out on her choir when they started booing Michael's. I would have done the same! That wasn't what the choir was supposed to be about.
And how cute were Kyle and Grace? I think they're a little young to get married, but if anyone can make it work, they can.
All the sympathy I had for Ethel Tonks evaporated in this episode. She and Gilbert were awful! "Darth and Mrs. Vader", indeed. I have a hard time understanding why they are so anti-Jake. It has nothing to do with his past (Ethel did look somewhat moved when Jake told his story). They're just stubborn.
I bet Louise voted to keep Jake. :p She's stood up to Ethel before, and it was a secret ballot, so why not?
*sniffles* I wasn't 100% satisfied with the ending. There has to be a second series! I hope if there is a second series, Esther will eventually choose Jake. Michael finally grew up, but it's time for both to move on. Too much has happened for things to go back to the way they were.
Cute screen captures:
Brother and sister reconciling? Jake and Layla talk things over...
The reason he wants to stay...SNOG!
I really enjoyed this show. And not just because of Bryan Dick (though he was the reason I started watching). The music was fun. The story was a little bit far-fetched, but that's okay. It's not real life!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
24 and House, May 4.
from t.v.com...While House tries to cope with his insomnia, he takes on the case of a ballerina whose skin begins to fall off after treatment following the collapse of her lungs during a performance.
Ew, that was gross. Poor ballerina. The new doclings have to deal with the POTW while House once again tries to detox from his Vicodin. He is still hallucinating Amber, and it's making him unable to work. Cuddy helps him with his withdrawal, and the two end up sleeping together...now who in all honesty didn't see that one coming? :p But now Amber seems to be gone for good...as long as House stays off his drugs. Hmmm...that will make for a very interesting season finale next week!
24- 4:00 a.m-5:00 a.m.
Jonas Hodges meets his end (KA-BOOM!), despite First Daughter's change of heart about having him assasinated. Oops. Jack and company try to track down Tony before he carries out The Group's plans (no idea what the group is really called). This episode is really just setting up the final confrontation between Jack and Tony, and if the previews are any indication, Tony will be the loser. Duh.
Tonight is the final episode of All the Small Things. I don't want it to end. Still no word on a second series. I'm going to miss having a weekly Bryan Dick fix. :(
Cute preview of tonight's episode that makes me really impatient:
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Watching right now...
Oh, Bryan Dick is in it, too. Wasted in a cameo as Little Nell's bad brother. And he meets a bad end (assuming they end it the way the book did, with Freddie drowning himself in Paris). But at least he's cute in it:
Oh, they butchered the book. Totally. They even changed the ending. The mysterious stranger was the grandfather's brother, not son. *rolls eyes*
Friday, May 1, 2009
Could there be a series two?
In an interview with Jamie Birtwhistle (Fred), it was revealed that a second series is planned for the show. However, it has not yet been commissioned by the BBC.
The original interview:
Looks like a real possibility...the ratings have been good. I just hope Bryan Dick signs on. He's one of the busiest actors in the U.K.- it's hard to make a commitment to one thing.
Of course, everything depends on how the final episode goes! I think the show was originally planned as a one-off, but public reaction may have changed that. I doubt it will end on a cliffhanger, but I'm sure there will be plenty of unresolved stuff to use for a second or even third series (crosses fingers).
Just one more cute Bryan/Jake capture from episode five:
The man looks good in a suit. I've even learned to like the scruffy bit of beard.
Other T.V. stuff- Lost was good this week. It was rather sad. Poor Daniel! I wonder how things are going to turn out now.
Not much else. I was very glad to have Jay Leno back on The Tonight Show this week!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
All the Small Things, episode five.
That was so sad. Finally, the Tonkses get to be more than bad guys. Poor Ethel. I loved her scene with Jake in the church. And poor Binsey. But that whole thing would have been more effective if we'd met the brother earlier...The funeral and Edgar's send-off were a hoot, though. A choral version of "Nothing Compares 2 U?" In church? Sweet. I loved the choir singing "Love Hurts" by the fire!
I knew Jake was an alcoholic! :( That was so brave of him, bringing Esther to his AA meeting. Bad Esther, for being so cold to him after he 'fesses up. He's been sober for six years, for crying out loud! Line that annoyed me- "There is no us." Stupid Esther. Like you haven't been flirting with Jake all along. Seducing him with "shit-hot" cranberry muffins! Tsk, tsk. I loved the kiss (and her smile after leaving him)...but was stunned that Esther treated him so badly.
So Layla is Jake's sister. Well, I knew that from the spoilers, but it still wasn't that big of a bombshell. The picture of the two of them that she hides from Michael was so cute! They must of have been close at one point.
Michael/Layla- ugh. Layla tries to work her charms on the boys, but is rather insensitive to Kyle. Michael starts to see what he's missing. If that means Esther takes him back next week I WILL BARF AND THROW THINGS!
Worried about next week- what is Layla going to do to Jake? What did he do in his past that could cause so much trouble? (Obviously something to do with Father Daniel). Some sister she is. No wonder Jake tries to stay away from her.
I honestly don't care which choir wins the competition. I'd love to see Michael get humiliated, but Esther's winning would be so clichéd. And there had better not be a "happy family reunion" (another cliché that is annoying). One episode to tie everything up? Not possible. And I want to see Esther and Jake together!
I'll miss this show. I hope it gets a second series, but it's a bit doubtful.
A couple of screencaps I did:
Thoughtful Jake- thinking about Esther's muffins, or Esther naked?
The kiss!
Jake and his guitar. Bit of a Brothers of the Head flashback for Bryan Dick! (Yes, he really plays. I still can't understand why he doesn't get to sing on this show- he's good!)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
£12.99. With the current exchange rate, that's roughly $18.00 U.S. (not counting shipping).
Only for Region 2 players, but I have a multi-region player. :D :D :D And just about any player can be hacked to play any DVD.
No extras, though. A making-of special and cast commentaries would have been nice. :(
Monday, April 27, 2009
House and 24, April 27th.
House's insomnia causes him to hallucinate Amber, which makes for some interesting head conversations! Meanwhile, House barges in on Wilson's planning for Chase's bachelor party. Wooooooo! Very interesting case and ethical dilemma (deaf culture vs. implants). And House is obviously having a hard time dealing with the loss of Kutner.
24- 3:00 a.m.-4:00 a.m.
Argh! I hate Tony. I want Jack to kill him DEAD!! Great stuff tonight, because it marks the return of CTU!
Tomorrow is episode five of All the Small Things. I don't want this show to end. :(
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Thank you for being a friend...
I was too young to watch Maude when it was originally on, but caught it in re-runs when I was older. Ms. Arthur really had a knack for playing strong, independent women. She will be missed.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Oh, dear!
Hope he makes a speedy recovery. It's so rare that he takes off for anything other than vacation time!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Small Things, episode 4.
I think this was the best one yet. I loved the song Esther's group did for the competition- What's My Age Again? by Blink-182 (Esther's son Kyle is a Blink fanatic, and picked the song). The Layla/Michael relationship takes a scary turn...Michael is beginning to see he's made a mistake, and daughter Georgia puts both of them down. Layla and Jake's relationship is still murky, but clearly there is something bad connecting both of them.
Olive and her biker friends save the day when Layla tries to keep the choir from making it to the heats. So cute! Phoebe gets the solo and steals the show a bit. The rehearsal was funny- "This bitch or that bitch?"
Best scene in my humble opinion- Esther and Michael's conversation of the glow he just now noticed...that she probably had all along but he was too dumb to notice.
So Layla had her own business and has money to burn, apparently. And Jake used to be a pro snowboarder! Very interesting...
Cute couples/possible couples abound in this episode- Olive/Jimmy, Kyle/Grace, and Jake/Esther. Esther starts to notice that Jake has feelings for her, and she seems stunned.
Great lines in this too:
Jake: "So what's your idea of heaven?" Esther: "I'll give it some thought and get back to you."
Jake to Layla: "I will always love you, but I will never forgive you." Ouch. I've seen the spoilers for the final two episodes, so I know what their true relationship is- but the way this scene was set up it could be either ex-lovers or estranged siblings.
Ah, my One True Pairing for this show...Esther and Jake. He sure likes her muffins. *snerk*
I took her out it was a Friday night
I wore cologne to get the feeling right
We started making out and she took off my pants
But then I turned on the TV
And that's about the time that she walked away from me
Nobody likes you when you're 23
And are still more amused by TV shows
What the hell is ADD?
My friends say I should act my age
What's my age again?
The series will be available on DVD in the UK only on May 6.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
24- argh!
Meanwhile, a cute picture from episode 3 of All the Small Things...ah, Jake. If all curates and vicars looked like him, Britain would have no trouble getting people to go to church!
Hopefully, I'll have episode four tomorrow.
(thanks to my pal q at live journal for the capture!)
Monday, April 20, 2009
Well, that was stupid of me.
Killing time before 24 tonight (no House). Might re-watch some of my T.V. shows on my computer. My area is under a tornado watch and severe thunderstorm warning right now. I hope I don't lose power. I missed three episodes of Lost last year because of tornados!
I'm all caught up with Lost. It's weird, but still starting to make some sense.
Looking forward to the next All the Small Things...the description from tv.com: "Esther's singing in the competition makes Jake hint he has feelings for her, but she believes Layla is trying to ruin her budding liaison." Jake/Esther fans rejoice! Hooray for older gals/younger guys! Beware of Layla the bunny boiler!!!
Friday, April 17, 2009
*pssst* ATST episode 3
Episode 3 description: "Sofija and Nemanja decide to get married and everyone is excited. However, things become bitter when they disagree with Gilbert and Ethel. Sofija is keen to do what they can to make up but Nemanja won't allow himself to be bullied. Esther and Jake work on the new church community space and Kyle gets to know Grace better. "
I loved this episode! People are finally standing up to the awful Gilbert and Ethel Tonks. Even the nasty Lulu backs away from them. Gilbert sure earns his nickname of "Jabba".
Shame on Georgia for ignoring Esther's calls. That's a terrible way to treat her mum!
The wedding was sweet. Sofija is a good character. I loved that she made her own dress! (damn that was quick!)
Michael is finally starting to see what he's lost in Esther. Now he's stuck with "bunny boiler" Layla! Loser. She wants his kids now, too? Yuck. Esther better fight for her kids hard- Layla has claws and dirty tricks (a puppy? Sheesh)...
Just two cute pictures- Jake knows how to party, and sweep the ladies off their feet. My favorite moment so far- Jake and Esther dance, and jealous Michael storms off. Win!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
House and 24, April 13.
From tv.com: "Cameron and Chase are going on vacation when they meet an enviromentalist who collapses in the middle of a protest. They postpone their vacation and ask House to take on the case."
House has lost his "mojo". That was interesting. The episode spends time on Wilson essentially kicking House's ass to get him back on track (as House says, "You manipulative bitch!"). House/Wilson bantering can save just about any episode! Once again, the POTW didn't really hold my interest (he was an asshole), but it was nice to have Cameron and Chase back in the action (plus they get engaged!). Everyone is still dealing with Kutner's suicide. :(
24- 1:00 a.m.- 2:00 a.m.
All I have to say about this episode is: TONY, WHAT THE F***! Damn it, I guess he's going to be a bad guy after all. :( The evil Hodges/Starkwood bioweapon missle complex is taken out (BOOM!), but Tony steals some of the bioweapon, passes it on to a Starkwood escapee, and kills Agent Moss (whom I was starting to like)? What is going on there? Meanwhile, Jack continues to deteriorate from the weapon (MOOOOO!), and his daughter Kim pays him a visit. Ugh. There are only four more hours left this season- what more can they possibly do? One thing is for sure: Jack and Tony will have to have a final face-off, and obviously, only Jack is going to come out of it alive.
I rate this episode "Excellent", because it was exciting, and I was not expecting Evil!Tony at the end.
Episode 3 of All the Small Things airs today...I hope I don't have to wait too long to see it. I'm liking it more and more.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Now I just need time to watch all of these...
I don't think I'll get to the movie theater again until Star Trek opens in May! If I have time, I'll go see Monsters vs. Aliens this weekend.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Just a cute screen capture!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Episode 2...
Loved that Esther finally stood up for herself, and started a new choir. Michael is a dick. I'd love to see her finally divorce him. Maybe then he'd grow up a bit.
Next week, Esther and Jake seem to flirt. Hmmmm....well, if her husband can mess around with a younger woman, why can't she have a younger man? A man of the cloth! Rrrrrrowwwwwrrr!
The show is a little uncomfortable for me at times. There are people like the awful, bigotted Mr. and Mrs. Tonks in my church (there's a Mrs. Tonks in my choir, unfortunately), and the whole thing of forcing people who can't sing out of the choir is something my own choir has had to deal with. Not that we'd ever do that, but we'd encourage the not-so-good singers to work on it and sing whatever is easiest for them.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Well, I'll miss Kutner...
I still think that was a crappy end for Kutner. But it will make things interesting for the rest of House's season.
Monday, April 6, 2009
House: Simple Explanation; and other notes.
Didn't care much for the Patients of the Week, though one was played by Meatloaf!
I'll miss Kal Penn. He never does seem to stick around long on television!
On 24 tonight, Jack begins to suffer the effects of the "mad cow-type" bio weapon he was exposed to. "Drop the gun mooooo! I mean, now!"
Other T.V. notes- I have seen the first episode of All the Small Things. Not bad. Not great, but entertaining, and I'll stick with it for the six episodes. And of course, Bryan Dick is awesome. I can't wait to see what his character, the rogue curate Jake, is all about. But wow, he looks good:
More please!
Hmmm, the current season of House isn't even finished, but the DVD set is available for pre-order already! That cover art seems so wrong.
Oh, yeah. ER ended its fifteen-season run last week. Did I watch? Nope. It had its great moments, but the last few seasons were such a mixed bag that it was hard for me to care. I'll catch the finale in re-runs.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Holy crap!
My mom and sister liked GL and ATWT, I was more into DOOL in college. I never watch soaps anymore. But still, it's sad to see one of the giants leave the air- it's almost like Pan Am going bankrupt (or any other big company that seemed to be around forever).
Why I wish I lived in the UK...
*sigh* He's gorgeous in this still from the episode "The Quality of Mercy". And he has this long hair in All the Small Things, too, I hear!
Other T.V. stuff- 24 and House were both great on Monday. The House episode "Locked In" was one of the best of the season. Mos Def was the Patient of the Week, and he was fabulous.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I really want to see this...
Monday, March 30, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
A new guilty pleasure!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
House Humor!
It's never lupus!
If the whole team is looking down on you, you are very screwed.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Uh-oh...I don't like this!
Major death on House
As far as cast members leaving, I've only heard rumors about Jesse Spencer...but there would be no reason for Chase to off himself! That would come from nowhere and make no sense.
If Robert Sean Leonard goes...I don't know if I'll want to watch anymore! The House/Wilson friendship is the thing that got me hooked in the first place.
Anyway, despite a few lackluster episodes recently, I'm definitely going to be glued to my televison until the finale!
I'm with Jack Bauer...
Actually, it's been one of those weeks. I felt so rotten that I didn't even feel like watching any of my shows last week, even 24. Ouch. Now I'm a week, er, an hour, behind. And I'm three weeks behind on Lost, but I have those taped, so I'll just need to set aside a few hours to watch them.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
I've been watching, but not writing...
Lately I've been indulging in some guilty pleasures- Seconds from Disaster and Air Emergency/Mayday! on the National Geographic Channel. For some reason, I like watching stories about disasters! Air Emergency is a good one- especially when the show covers crashes I remember well, such as the bombing of Pan Am 103, and Delta 191 (which happened on my 14th birthday!).
Seconds from Disaster is no longer being made, but a new season of Air Emergency has aired. NatGeo has an odd schedule, so I never know when episodes are going to air. Luckily, I've seen some elsewhere...some will be on DVD soon.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Another great gone...and other T.V. notes.
Other T.V. news...I was less than thrilled with House's Christmas episode "Joy to the World". It was very contrived and I just couldn't believe what went on in it. At least Cuddy finally gets her baby...
Law and Order: SVU has kept up with the decent episodes, but I still want to drop the new ADA into the Hudson River. :p The original Law and Order has been good, too. Criminal Intent should be back soon.
24 is back! The first four episodes of Day Seven were pretty good, and I think it will be a good season. Anything to make up for the horror that was most of Day Six!
And Lost is back next week, too! I'm going to be glued to my T.V. almost every night.
Still no idea when Torchwood will air its five episodes on BBC America...or when Doctor Who's Christmas special will air, either. Speaking of Who, the Elevnth Doctor has been announced- he's Matt Smith, an actor most people have never heard of. He seems to be a little bit young, but from what little I've seen of him on T.V., I think he'll do fine.