Two episodes of Lost, one of Torchwood!
Lost first- I've gotten behind because I had to be out on Thursday nights. Finally caught up with them!
The Constant- an excellent Desmond-centered episode. Desmond and Sayid are taken by helicopter to their "rescuers" boat. On the way, they encounter a storm, and Desmond finds himself back in 1996. When he is back in 2004, he has no memory of where and when he is. The entire episode is spent with Desmond sending messages back to himself in both times- finding his "constant" to put him back where he belongs before the jump kills him. His constant is his great love, Penny- and it turns out that his messages to the past are the reason she's been searching for him all of this time in the first place! The last bit is somewhat creepy- One of the rescuers, Daniel, is the person Desmond had to reach back in 1996. It is his experiments from the past that lead to the solution of the "constant"- and at the end of the episode, his notes include a mention of Desmond as his own "constant" should he become dislodged in time himself. This was a
great episode. Not only was it fine stuff for Desmond, probably my favorite character, but it really helps explain some of the properties of the island- especially the time anomalies.
The Other Woman- This one was so-so. It is mostly about Juliet- the "Other" turned "Lostie", and how Ben is obsessed with her. The good stuff comes from the "Boaties" (fan name for the rescuers who are really out to get Ben)- Ben tries to make Juliet kill them before they can release a deadly gas on the island (something he had done to the original Dharma crew). Of course, they were actually trying to stop the gas and protect everyone. Ben convinces Locke to release him from his prison in exchange for information- on who sent the Boaties and who he has on the boat on his side. The big boss is Penny's dad! (played by Alan Dale, who will now always be "the bastard who shot Owen on Torchwood" to me). And of course, fans have already figured out that Ben's "man on the inside" is Michael, former castaway, and killer of Ana-Lucia and Libby. I'm not a huge fan of Juliet, so her new backstory didn't really interest me much. It was good to see that the Boaties may not be so bad- not if they were working to
not kill the island's inhabitants! I'm starting to like Daniel.
On to Torchwood:
Dead Man Walking
Dr. Owen Harper is dead. Long live Owen! The episode begins with Martha beginning to conduct the autopsy. Jack interrupts, and tells everyone to not touch Owen until he returns.
Jack meets up with a strange girl with Tarot cards (one of which, oddly, looks like Jack in armor), who gives him the location of the object he desires. It's in an abandoned church taken over by Weevils. After scuffling with the Weevils, Jack retrieves the object and returns to the Hub.
The object is the mate of the "risen mitten" from
Everything Changes and
They Keep Killing Suzie. Everyone protests when Jack announces he's going to bring back Owen for goodbyes. Owen returns to life for two minutes (the usual life span from the glove)...and dies again. But he's not quite dead yet. The glove apparently has brought him back partway- he is a walking dead man. And he is not happy about it. He runs off, but not before he undergoes some major changes- he is being consumed by an energy that they've never seen before.
Owen runs off, and tries to drown his sorrows with alcohol. Jack finds him, they fight, they're tossed into a cell, and do a little bonding. Jack says he does not want to give up on Owen yet. On their way back to the Hub, they are chased by Weevils- who bow before Owen as he speaks to them in an odd language.
Back at the Hub, Martha and Gwen have discovered what is happening to Owen- he is literally being taken over by Death, and when it happens, Death will walk the earth. Despite an attempt to freeze Owen's brain and stop Death, it escapes. The glove attacks Martha as a distraction, and ages her rapidly. She is rushed to the hospital...and Death follows them. Owen is left to beat Death on his own before the thirteen souls it needs to claim the earth are taken. Owen does beat Death, and is left to wonder what will happen to him now.
This was an okay episode- some of the stuff makes no sense whatsoever, and Owen's literal Dance with Death was almost funny. But still, there were some nice moments, such as Jack and Owen's bonding scene in jail- though I really could have done without Owen's projectile vomiting and farting. Owen finally kisses Tosh! Of course, it was only to steal her alien device, but it was still cute! I liked Owen's goodbye to Gwen. That actually made me cry...and it was a nice, subtle reminder of their affair last season. Martha really didn't do much for me this episode, but I did like her conversation with Owen after his resurrection.
Good lines:
Jack (after Owen barfs up a bar full of beer): That is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. And I know disgusting!
Owen: I'm going to miss farting...and sex.
Jack: Sex more than farting, I hope.
: I have searched for the phrase "I shall walk the Earth and my hunger shall know no bounds," but I keep getting redirected to
Weight Watchers.
Owen: Is it still necrophilia if I'm conscious?
And a few screencaps, from
Owen is gonna need that hand, Jack...

Aw. Cute male bonding.

Ianto goes after the glove. The look on Jack's face made me think that Ianto had brought out one of his prized sex toys!

Aw, again. Unfortunately for Tosh, Owen has no blood the kiss won't go anywhere. Damn. I'm still hoping for Tosh/Owen babies!

And finally, the thing I found most unbelievable about the episode: As Martha begins the autopsy, she says that Owen is (was) 27. Yeah, right! He looks older than me...and Burn Gorman is three years younger than I am (he's 33, I think)! And he must have been some kind of super genius student to have become a doctor, practiced medicine, and been a member of Torchwood for three years. Oh, well. Torchwood is not known for its continuity or believability!