I'll start with Lost first- the last two episodes were okay. The first was Sayid-centric, and those stories are always good. He is revealed as another of the "Oceanic Six"...and in his new life, he's an assassin. His boss is revealed to be Ben! I wonder how that is going to play out...
The next was all about Kate. I have never liked the character. I think she is selfish and rarely shows any remorse for her actions, and this episode wasn't any different. The only really interesting thing that happens is at the end- her "son" is Claire's baby, Aaron! I can't wait to see how that one is explained- I hope it doesn't mean that Claire dies.
On to Torchwood:
I found Adam entertaining. It's not an original idea in sci-fi, but it was well executed. Adam (Bryan Dick) appears in the Torchwood Hub- and everyone thinks he's been there for years. Also, there are radical personality changes in the team: Tosh is a hottie who's been in love with Adam for a year, Owen is a dork carrying a torch for Tosh, and Gwen forgets Rhys! And Jack's memories from his childhood in the 51st century begin to emerge. Things fall apart for Adam when Ianto realizes he's not mentioned in his diary. (That is one diary I'd like to read...). Adam makes Ianto believe he's a serial killer...and that's when Jack realizes that something is not right with this guy. It takes a dose of Retcon and the recovery of defining memories of the team to wipe out the alien.
I loved geek!Owen and Sexy!Tosh. Gwen's memory loss was both sad and funny- "You've picked the wrong girl to stalk, mister!" Ianto's serial killer memories were creepy, but his crying almost had me giggling. I adore Gareth David-Lloyd, but when he cries, I want to reach into the screen and slap him silly! Jack's memories weren't earth shattering, but at least the mysterious "Gray" mentioned in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is revealed to be his brother. I wish there had been more explanation to where Adam really came from (the "Void") and what his motivation was besides survival.
A few pictures, mostly from time-and-space.co.uk:
Tosh gives the kiss of death to yet another lover. (Seriously, does every one of her partners have to die?)
Owen is a-dork-able!
WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! Emo!Ianto gets on my nerves.
Awwwwww. Jack wuvs Ianto.
No reason for this cap- I just think that Bryan Dick is pretty...I rather like him as a red-head.
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