"House Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"! Terrific and very different start to the sixth season. It's all House in the mental hospital, butting heads with his doctor (Andre Braugher).
House really begins to understand that he needs help, that he needs to change. By the end, he's not only Vicodin-free, he's a bit more open and trusting. He also falls in love with a patient's relative (Franke Potente). Of course, that doesn't end well, but House leaves the hospital a different person.
I wonder how long this "new" House will last...It would really suck if he just suddenly went back to his obnoxious, Vicodin-popping self. This is a great opportunity for the show to grow- House exploring his new self. I don't believe for a minute that he'll be cheerful and friendly, but I'm sure he'll be a little more trusting of his fellow doctors- for a while, anyway.
I'm sure this version of Dr. House isn't gone forever:
Other television stuff- I've been watching Bones, which is very loosely based on the novels of Kathy Reichs. The show is a lot of fun, but often very, very gross!
I only half-watched the premiere of Law and Order: SVU. I guess I really don't care any more!
I've also been watching The Jay Leno Show- not every night, and only parts on the nights I do watch. It's really the same old stuff so far. A bit wobbly. But I'm glad to see Jay on the tube. I'm still not used to Conan O'Brien on the Tonight Show.